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Presentation on theme: "LECTURE NOTES  BEFORE  DURING  AFTER Handout online."— Presentation transcript:



3 Complete outside reading assignments beforehand ZZZZzzzzzz





8 Damn! I got out of bed for this….

9 Glance over last class’s notes beforehand

10 Bring the right materials : - Use loose leaf paper -Use only one side of the paper -Rule a 2" margin on the left for the recall column:

11 PAPER is NOT the place to save $$$$$

12 recall column ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

13 You! Consider sitting front and center


15  the best view and sound  notice from the prof  least distractions  most incentive to stay alert SITTING front and center:


17 Identify the date (and lecturer) Identify the lecture topic Number the pages

18 Follow the structure of the lecture as closely as possible

19 Use indentation to show the relative importance of each idea

20 Use a separate line for each new fact or idea

21 Skip lines when the topics and subtopics change

22 Use headings and subheadings (can be edited in later)

23 Use "telegraphic" (condensed) sentences rather than copying word for word

24 II. If l ecturer talks too fast 1. More prep time before class 2. Choose what to keep - find key points - revise/ fill in afterwards 3. Pair up w/ someone 4. Leave blank spaces 5. Tape record 6. Outline reading ahead 7. Shorthand 8. Ask to slow down

25 Make notes complete by including ALL main ideas

26 I. How to know what’s important 1. pauses 2. repeats 3. voice volume 4. states major ideas 5. chalkboard 6. non-verbal clues - face - gestures - body language

27 Provide ENOUGH details and examples to support the main ideas

28 not too little… “enough”: The “Goldilocks” Problem: NOT TOO MUCH… not too little…

29 Use abbreviations & symbols ( , , , ,,?,b/c)

30 Make handwriting legible (at least to you)

31 Make notes neat: no doodling or scribbling out mistakes

32 Lecture topic Point #1 Point #2 Detail Diagramming notes by “mind map” Detail

33 T-Note Style Topic above Explanation to the right Key recall on the left

34  AFTER

35 Make corrections (handwriting, spelling)

36 Fill in gaps (from another student, the text, or the professor)

37 Underline headings and subheadings

38 Number  lists and  topics

39 A checklist: Evaluating Your Notetaking Handout online Handout online

40 The MORE you do this, the better:  1. I avoided writing the same point down 2 or 3 times  7. I left room to expand on an idea or complete a point or detail  11. I used the left-hand margin for recall cues.  13. When I went over my notes, their meaning was entirely clear to me.

41 The LESS you do this, the better:  16. I included redundant material  17. I took “skeleton” notes (too little…)  18. I tried to get everything down verbatim  19. I wrote more or less continuously (too much…)

42 The Cornell Notetaking System

43 The Recall Column

44 The doubled margin becomes the “recall column” Recall column is filled in AFTER the lecture The cues don’t give away the answers The cues are kept very short


46 recall column ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Filled in after the lecture

47 6 clues to what’s important 8 helps for fast talker I.How to know - prof. pauses - prof. repeats - II. Prof talks too fast

48 Keep cues brief & select : memory triggers or test questions

49 Cue ALL major ideas

50 Cue ONLY major ideas, not details, examples

51 Construct a recall column that would be a good study guide later on…

52 Recite the answers from memory

53 Professors have their own style just like students do

54 your “ When a professor wants your opinion, she’ll give it to you!”


56 ATTITUDE Formal and businesslike Informal and casual

57 ENCOURAGES STUDENTS’ competition cooperation

58 DURING CLASS Mostly lectures Mostly holds class discussion

59 STRESSES IMPORTANCE OF Individual effort Group effort

60 VISUAL AIDS uses often uses rarely

61 STUDENT PARTICIPATION Calls on students Asks for volunteers

62 “Participation”

63 How to define “participation”


65 STUDENT INDEPENDENCE Expects students to ask for help Guides students step by step

66 TEACHING STYLE Mainly sticks to facts Often shares personal experience

67 GIVING DIRECTION “Tells” what to do “Shows” what to do

68 the FACULTY as your the “sales staff” gets evaluated

69 CUA’s old Course Evaluation asked students to “grade” a professor: 1.Increased my interest in the course material 2.Speaks clearly and can be understood without difficulty 3.Lecture gives viewpoints and insights which the texts don’t have

70 4. Readings and lectures were well- integrated 5. Is available outside of class 6. Is enthusiastic and interested in the subject 7. Rate of covering material (too fast or too slow) 8. Is available outside of class for consultation

71 “desirable lecture styles” 4. Digressions – stories told for the sake of storytelling- are kept to a minimum 7. Distracting gestures or movements are kept to a minimum 9. If humor is used, it helps the listener’s concentration on the topic instead of detracting from it

72 All American University professors were evaluated on points like: Instructor was stimulating Instructor seemed knowledgeable about the subject matter Instructor evaluated student work carefully, impartially, objectively, and in a timely manner



75 http:/ Select Catholic University – 460 professors rated Deborah Clawson's Scorecard (Psychology): No. of Ratings: 11 Average Easiness: 2.9 Average Helpfulness: 4.6 Average Clarity: 4.7 Hotness Total: 0 Overall Quality: 4.6 Best teacher at CUA. Psy322 5 5 5 5 I had her for Memory and Stats. I was not particularly interested in either course on its own but she makes everything interesting and she knows how to teach in away that helps you remember. She is also sweet and caring and very corny. PSY351 2 5 5 3 Great teacher. She knows what she is talking about and if you go to class and take good notes and do the homework, you'll be just fine. Stats101 3 5 5 2 I took Dr. Clawson for Intro to Stats and Psychology of Memory. She is the best teacher that the psychology department has to offer. I went into both of these classes apprehensive about the material. She made the material so easy to understand and is extremely helpful when you do not understand the material. PSY322 4 5 5 4 Extremely energetic and easy to follow. She doesn't have an attendance policy, but going to class pays off! She gives out easy to follow handouts and simplifies everything. She is very clear concerning what she expects from you in the class. All tests are open book, open note, which is awesome! Rating Key:

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