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Words to LIVE by Prepared for the South Dakota Transportation Safety Conference February, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Words to LIVE by Prepared for the South Dakota Transportation Safety Conference February, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Words to LIVE by Prepared for the South Dakota Transportation Safety Conference February, 2007

2 Saving the Lives of South Dakotans Our Shared Mission

3 South Dakota Highway Deaths 191 in 2006 145 in 2007 Toward Zero Deaths 191 in 2006 145 in 2007 Toward Zero Deaths

4 FACTS According to the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) In South Dakota, 81% of the fatalities in 2006 were not secured in a seat belt or child safety seat Nationally, 55% of the 2006 fatalities were unbelted. According to the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) In South Dakota, 81% of the fatalities in 2006 were not secured in a seat belt or child safety seat Nationally, 55% of the 2006 fatalities were unbelted.

5 Here’s an idea 121 Unrestrained Fatalities! Put those seat belts ON, and LIVE !

6 Seat Belts Save Lives Seat belt and child restraint use even without a primary belt law provides immediate no cost life-saving benefit Seat belt and child restraint use even without a primary belt law provides immediate no cost life-saving benefit

7 Life-Saving Potential If South Dakota passed a primary belt law today… 13 lives would be saved 111 serious injuries would be prevented $28.6 million in economic cost would be saved Based on a 10.8 percent increase in belt use from the 2007 level of 73% If South Dakota passed a primary belt law today… 13 lives would be saved 111 serious injuries would be prevented $28.6 million in economic cost would be saved Based on a 10.8 percent increase in belt use from the 2007 level of 73%

8 What else do the numbers tell us?

9 PRIORITY COUNTIES High Fatality and Injury Crashes Butte Lawrence Meade Pennington Brown Butte Lawrence Meade Pennington Brown Codington Minnehaha Lincoln Yankton Davison Are there other data sources to help you fine-tune your analysis?

10 Statistical Summary <16 – 2.54% 16-20 – 12.3% 21-24 – 11.4% 25-34 – 13.56% 35-44 – 15.25% <16 – 2.54% 16-20 – 12.3% 21-24 – 11.4% 25-34 – 13.56% 35-44 – 15.25% 45-54 – 16.95% 55-64 – 15.25% 65-74 - 6.78% 74+ - 5.93% Age of Fatalities and Fatal Crashes in 2006 Drivers between the ages of 16 and 24 are involved in 23.73% of the fatal crashes

11 Statistical Summary Demographics of Fatalities and Fatal Crashes in 2006 Driver Gender Males – 78.8% Females – 21.2% Vehicles Involved Passenger Vehicles - 43.7% Sport Utility Vehicle – 37.7% (59.4% of these were Pick-up Trucks) Commercial Vehicles – 18.6% Demographics of Fatalities and Fatal Crashes in 2006 Driver Gender Males – 78.8% Females – 21.2% Vehicles Involved Passenger Vehicles - 43.7% Sport Utility Vehicle – 37.7% (59.4% of these were Pick-up Trucks) Commercial Vehicles – 18.6%

12 Statistical Summary Time of Day 12am to 5:59am 17.8% 6am to 11:59am 24.6% 12pm to 5:59pm 29.7% 6pm to 11:59pm 26.3% Time of Day 12am to 5:59am 17.8% 6am to 11:59am 24.6% 12pm to 5:59pm 29.7% 6pm to 11:59pm 26.3% Day of Week Sunday – 20.9% Monday – 4.1% Tuesday – 14.7% Wednesday – 6.3% Thursday – 14.7% Friday – 11.0% Saturday – 18.3%

13 Statistical Summary Alcohol Related Crashes in 2006 42% of the fatalities were alcohol- related 37% of the crashes involved a BAC of.08 and above Alcohol Related Crashes in 2006 42% of the fatalities were alcohol- related 37% of the crashes involved a BAC of.08 and above

14 FY 2008 Programs Governor’s Child Safety Seat Program: Project 8 Child seat distribution and training Additional programs that target teens and adults with seat belt messaging and programs are worth considering! are worth considering!

15 PROVEN COUNTERMEASURES High Visibility Enforcement Enforcement Media Region 8 Seat Belt Demo Project WY - from 54.5% usage to 70.3% usage ND – from 65.6% usage to 80.0% usage High Visibility Enforcement Enforcement Media Region 8 Seat Belt Demo Project WY - from 54.5% usage to 70.3% usage ND – from 65.6% usage to 80.0% usage

16 What tools are available? SAFETEA-LU initiatives S.405 S.406 2008 legislation SAFETEA-LU initiatives S.405 S.406 2008 legislation

17 Our Mutual Challenge Seek out sources of localized data Launch HVE initiatives based on these data When it comes to belt usage, don’t discriminate. Reach out to all age groups! Stay informed, focused, and enthusiastic Seek out sources of localized data Launch HVE initiatives based on these data When it comes to belt usage, don’t discriminate. Reach out to all age groups! Stay informed, focused, and enthusiastic

18 WEAR YOUR BELT! Bill R. Watada Regional Administrator NHTSA, Region 8 WEAR YOUR BELT! Bill R. Watada Regional Administrator NHTSA, Region 8 Words to LIVE by…

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