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Energy Six Varieties. Energy Difficult to define – has no “substance” “The ability to perform work” Counterpart to matter EE = mc 2 Einstein work in.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Six Varieties. Energy Difficult to define – has no “substance” “The ability to perform work” Counterpart to matter EE = mc 2 Einstein work in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Six Varieties

2 Energy Difficult to define – has no “substance” “The ability to perform work” Counterpart to matter EE = mc 2 Einstein work in physics led to this discovery MMatter and energy are two forms of the same thing Measured in joules (J) EEquivalent to lifting a small apple one meter

3 Potential energy SStored energy, i.e., energy that may be released in the future Sources = gravity, elasticity, chemicals Kinetic energy EEnergy of motion, or, released potential energy PProduct of mass and velocity

4 Six Varieties Mechanical Energy “Basic” energy of motion  Either kinetic or potential Work done can be considered “mechanical energy”

5 Chemical Energy Stored in chemical bonds  In attractive forces between atoms and molecules Powers flashlights, automobiles Organisms utilize chemical energy to live (food) Combustion

6 Endothermic  Heat absorbing event Ice packs, evaporation Exothermic  Heat releasing event Sodium Hydroxide and water, condensation

7 Heat Energy Amount of kinetic energy in a substance’s atoms/molecules Different from temperature  Temperature = average measure of kinetic energy  Heat = total energy  Large warm pool vs boiling pot of water  Pool = high heat, low temperature  Pot of water = low heat, high temperature

8 Electrical Energy Electric charge  Property of subatomic particles (protons, electrons)  Used in electronics to “do work”

9 Electromagnetic Energy (Radiation) Light energy VVisible, infrared, ultraviolet, x-rays, gamma rays CComes in photon packets Behaves like matter and/or energy, depending on the situation WWave/particle duality

10 Nuclear Energy Energy from subatomic bonds  Nuclear force – fundamental force When nuclear bonds are broken  Nuclear explosion  E = mc 2 tremendous energy from little mass

11 Conservation of Energy Energy cannot be created or destroyed  Law of conservation of matter and energy Energy can be transformed from one type to another

12 Energy Transformation Any type can be transformed into any other type  Light and heat are related  Mechanical to electric, vice versa  Chemical to heat

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