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Crisis, Realignment, and the Dawn of the Post Cold War World 1975-1991 Ch 32 Post-colonial crisis Persian Gulf Developed vs. Underdeveloped.

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Presentation on theme: "Crisis, Realignment, and the Dawn of the Post Cold War World 1975-1991 Ch 32 Post-colonial crisis Persian Gulf Developed vs. Underdeveloped."— Presentation transcript:

1 Crisis, Realignment, and the Dawn of the Post Cold War World 1975-1991 Ch 32 Post-colonial crisis Persian Gulf Developed vs. Underdeveloped

2 Latin American Revolutions Success of the Cuban revolution leads to a communist government Other Latin American countries look to Communism as a solution to internal problems

3 The Brazilian Solution 1964 there was a military coup in Brazil –Death squads eliminated the opposition –Tax and tariff policies were used to industrialize These policies were applied in Chile and Argentina All the military regimes came to an end between 1983-1990 because of reports of kidnapping, torture, and corruption

4 The United States response The US helped some of these countries overthrow the communist/ socialist governments The CIA backed Augusto Pinochet in Chile to overthrow the socialist regime in 1983 In Nicaragua the CIA backed the Contra’s to overthrow the communist Cuban back Sandista government. In 1991 Latin America was more dominated by the USA than in 1975 –1983 the US invaded Grenada 1989 Panama

5 Islamic Revolutions in Iran and Afghanistan In Iran Shah Muhammad Pavali was overthrown by shi’ite cleric Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini –An anti-western theocracy was formed 1986 the US supported Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein to invade Iran 1978 the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan –The USA backed Afghanistan –The Soviets left in 1989


7 Asian Transformation The Japanese economy grew at a faster rate than any other major developed country in the 1970- 80’s. –Average Japanese income passed the US in the 1990’s –South Korea, Hong Kong, and Singapore imitated Japan’s model of government’ corporation partnerships They all had a disciplined, hardworking labor forces, investment in education, high personal savings rate, export strategies, and the ability to industrialize with the latest technology.


9 The End of the Bi-Polar world During the presidency of Ronald Reagan in the 1980’s the Soviet Union was pressed to keep up with the United States in military and technology spending Mikhail Gorbechev took over leadership of the USSR in 1985 introducing a policy of political openness (glasnost) and economic reform (perestroika)


11 The collapse of the socialist bloc Nationalist and religious groups combined as opponents of the communist regimes Poor economic conditions September 1991 the Soviet Union dissolved 1991 Yugoslavia was dismembered due to political and and religious divisions 1992 the Czech Republic was divided


13 The Persian Gulf War Iraq invaded Kuwait in August 1990 to gain Kuwait's oil fields The USA drove Iraq out of Kuwait but left Saddam in power The war established the US confidence in Military and showed that Russia – Iraq’s former ally – was weak.

14 Population Growth 1850 – 1914 the population of Europe doubled In the 20 th century population exploded mainly in 3 rd world countries In the 21 st century industrialized nations will fall behind developing nations in percentage of population China and India’s population will grow despite government efforts to reduce family size Developed nations = aging population making them rely on immigration and technology Developing nations = high birth rates with problem of providing jobs and education


16 Unequal development and movement Since 1945 the industrialized nations have enjoyed the majority of the world’s wealth Migration from rural to urban increased 3 fold in the 3 rd world after 1950 In the cities migrants enjoyed higher incomes and better standard of living Immigration from undeveloped to developed increased rapidly causing racial and ethnic tension


18 Technology and the world WWII technology increased productivity, reduced labor, improved flow of information Widespread application of the computer in the 1950’s and 60’stransformed office work Transnational corporations became the primary agents of technological changes –They could escape the controls of national governments (INTEL, Microsoft, Nintendo, etc…)


20 Environmental conservation and threats 1960’s people began to warn about environmental consequences of population growth, industrialization, and expansion of agriculture Deforestation led to erosion and water pollution Environmental awareness spread by means of media and grassroots political movements Most nations developed antipollution laws and recycling efforts

21 Ch 34: Globalization in the 21 st century WATCH THE NEWS READ A NEWPAPER

22 Main topics: Democracy spreads to Latin America, India, and China (kind-of) Arms control and terrorism/ 9/11 Global Economy NAFTA –North America Free Trade Agreement WTO – World Trade Organization IMF – International Monetary Fund


24 Religion and Rights Christianity vs. Militant Islam (neo- crusades?) Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the UN in 1948 NGO – nongovernmental organizations (Red Cross) Women’s rights (feminist movement in the 1970’s)


26 Global Culture Mass Media (CNN and MTV lead the way) Spread of pop culture English as a global language Russian-American collaboration Cultural diversity

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