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The interface between nature directive and “acquatic” environmental directives Stefan Leiner, DG ENV European Commission Nature Directors Meeting Denmark,

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Presentation on theme: "The interface between nature directive and “acquatic” environmental directives Stefan Leiner, DG ENV European Commission Nature Directors Meeting Denmark,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The interface between nature directive and “acquatic” environmental directives Stefan Leiner, DG ENV European Commission Nature Directors Meeting Denmark, 22 May 2012

2 Purpose EU policies and legislation on water (WFD), marine (MSFD), nature (Birds/Hab dir), biodiversity (EU strategy 2020) closely interlinked (objectives, provisions, reporting/information flow) Need to enhance integration and streamlining  more effective implementation Joint discussion document for Nature/Biodiv, Water and Marine directors: state of play, way forward

3 Relevant joint activities FAQ documents links between WFD&Birds/Hab dir (completed) links between MSFD&Birds/Hab dir (under finalisation) Possible consolidated policy paper on links among all areas, drawing on FAQs and Nat/Biod Dir meet 5/2012 and WFD/MSFD workshop 6/2012 Relevant sector-specific guidance ports&estuaries (completed) inland waterways (under finalisation) Fisheries Development of common methodology for assessing impact of fisheries on marine N2000 areas (under finalisation) – also relevant to other MPAs Support to MS coordinated efforts (eg. Doggerbank) Implementation of MSFD Descriptor 3 (fisheries) linked to Target 4 Biod Str and to CFP – possibly joint expert groups

4 Relevant joint activities MPA designation/management 2012 critical for achieving substantial progress in marine Natura 2000 designations (Action 1 EU Biod Str) Link-up with other MPAs under MSFD/regional conventions  coherent network Stronger cooperation between respective expert groups Streamlining of reporting / information flow Avoid duplications of reported data, synchronise reporting cycles Integrate existing information flows and status assessments (eg. Under Art. 17 HD and 12 BD), WISE/BISE similarities Streamlining developments in ecosystem-based approaches and services Ecosystem-based approach an objective under EU Biod Str (Target 2), embedded in MSFD, relevant to water management / RBMPs under WFD Mapping/assessment of ecosystem services and economic value, integration in accounting/reporting systems (Action 5 EU Biod Str)

5 Closer cooperation between Nature/Biodiv, Water, Marine Directors Issues for discussion How to maximise synergies? Priority areas of cooperation to be developed? MS experience in integrated implementation? EU – Commission action needed? Proposal to agree to Acknowledge/support work undertaken so far to clarify links, promote streamlining, provide guidance Work together on fisheries-related issues, link with CFP Collaborate on establishment/management of MPAs Increase efforts for streamlining/harmonising reporting Outcome of these discussions to be reported to Water and Marine directors meetings  overall conclusions to be reflected in respective implementation frameworks/bodies, regular updates at future director meetings

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