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An Introduction. MR. SEAN S. MCGRAW Examples of my work…

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Presentation on theme: "An Introduction. MR. SEAN S. MCGRAW Examples of my work…"— Presentation transcript:

1 An Introduction

2 MR. SEAN S. MCGRAW Examples of my work…

3 Drawing is understanding how to see. Realism and classical drawing is the result of a hours of looking and seeing. Nature is complex, and as humans we need to be able to simplify things in order to understand them. In math we must first learn the numbers then add and subtract/multiply and divide. Once we understand how to do this more complex problems can be broken down and solved with more ease. OVERVIEW

4 VALUE SCALE The more value changes, the more real the drawing may seem. Of course the drawing has to be done correctly and soundly. OVERVIEW

5 To make a realistic and honest representation from life or a photo we must simplify and break the picture down into understandable parts. When you begin a drawing start with LIGHT lines. Try to use only STRAIGHT LINES Straight lines are easier to replicate Than Curved lines. Circle made of straight lines IMPORTANT

6 VALUE is simplified in straight line. IMPORTANT

7 LINES MAKE CONNECTIONS DRAW THROUGH YOUR REFERENCE LESSON Notice the lightly drawn lines that make a triangle around and through the foot. These lines create a measurable reference so you can judge the accuracy of your drawing. Accuracy is key so make thoughtful marks and don’t be afraid.

8 LESSON Use the handout provided to draw the foot. REMEMBER draw LIGHTLY so you can build up the darks. 1.First Draw a Box around the top foot on the plate. (with a ruler) then draw a box the same size on your blank paper. 2.Draw a box around the second foot on the plate ((handout) same size as the other two you have done). 3. Next draw the straight lines that make (2) triangles in the foot on your paper (not plate). 4. Draw the simple shape of the foot the same as the plate (use your box/triangle as a guide. 5. Add the toes and details (Make sure its accurate!) 6. Add value shade your drawing to Match the original. 7. Enjoy and use this method on whatever you draw on your own!


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