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The Arctic tundra is a cold place with no trees and very little rainfall. The ground is frozen all year round. It is located near the north pole in.

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3 The Arctic tundra is a cold place with no trees and very little rainfall. The ground is frozen all year round. It is located near the north pole in the Arctic Circle.

4 The animals we chose are, the Arctic fox, polar bear and Arctic wolf. The Arctic fox burrows itself in the side of a cliff for protection. Polar bears can smell food 20 miles away. The Arctic wolf eats his entire prey bones and all!

5 The plants we found are: Labrador tea leaves which has a hairy stem to keep It warm. The diamond leaf willow has green leaves and small round twigs and grows close to the ground to keep warm. The bearberry is a plant that grows red berries and has green leaves. Owls love to eat the bearberry.

6 The interaction we found if the Arctic fox is hungry, he will follow the polar bear and eat his leftovers. Facts: summers in the Arctic last only 2 months. It is daylight 24 hours a day.

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