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PMCenter Project SPRING 2004 MOSP Team GEO. 2 Agenda Introduction Semester Goal Project Management ­Iteration Plan ­Risk Management ­Process Handbook.

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1 PMCenter Project SPRING 2004 MOSP Team GEO

2 2 Agenda Introduction Semester Goal Project Management ­Iteration Plan ­Risk Management ­Process Handbook ­Size Estimation Development Progress ­Requirements ­Analysis & Design Difficulties Next Steps

3 3 Team Introduction GEO (Green Elephants from the Orient) Members & Managerial Roles ­Junsuk Oh: Team Lead ­Junghee Jo: Process Manager ­Kwangchun Lee: Support Manager ­Soyoung Kim: Development/Risk Manager ­Younbok Lee: Planning Manager Mentors ­HoJin Choi ­Gil Taran ­Carol L. Hoover

4 4 Project Introduction Customer ­KT (Korea Telecom) Objective ­To make software project management system Scope ­Support for Project Planning and Project Monitoring & Control ·Refer to CMMI Level 2 Initiating Planning ExecutingClosing

5 5 Semester Goal ­Keep milestones exactly on time ­Make traceability between SRS and Design Project Deliverables ­Revised SRS & SPMP, Test Plan, Architecture Document Picture of Success ­Getting the high quality product to client by the end of the summer semester ­Mastering software project management skills ­Harmonizing among team members

6 6 Project Management - Iteration Plan 1st Iteration Initial architecture System behavior analysis Initial design 2nd Iteration Established architecture Detailed design Data schema Requirements finalization MOSP

7 7 Project Management - Size Estimation Use two methods ­Function Points and Use Case Points Results & Analysis Function PointsUse Case Points Points215 (adjusted)560 (adjusted) Effort Conversion 47 man-month (by COCOMO) 11200 hours (1 UCP  20 hours) Available Time 60 man-month (= 5 men * 12 months) 9600 hours (= 5 men * 8 hours * 20 days * 12 months) ConclusionUnderestimatedOverestimated * The conflict may come from the premise 1 UCP  20 hours

8 8 Project Management - Risk Management Prioritize Risk Plan Risk mitigation Track risks and plan Design takes longer than expected; might lead to not enough time for implementation Lack of development experience in Java; might lead to implementation taking longer time than expected Late UI design; might lead to requirements changing late in the development process Late UI Prototyping; might lead to a slow down in the project progress Personnel shortfall; might lead to schedule slip and work overload for remaining team members Identify Risk Top 5 Risk

9 9 Project Management - Process Handbook In last semester, lack of process caused problems ­How to keep time in the meeting? ­How to review the artifacts? ­How to resolve the confliction among team members? Make process handbook Simple & Easy ­Managerial Process ·Timely Decision Making Process ·Requirement Change Management Process ­Supporting Process ·Review Process

10 10 Development Progress - Requirements SRS Review Requirements Revision ­Concentrate on Project Management functionality Use Cases description ­Quick Communication with Clients Requirements Validation Requirements Change ­Requirement Change Management Process

11 11 Development Progress -Analysis & Design Analyze system behavior ­Use case realization (sequence & class diagram) Analyze components ­Entity model (Type model) Design architecture ­Initial architecture Evaluate architecture - ATAM ­Quality attributes ­Utility tree

12 12 Development Progress - Architecture

13 13 Difficulties Define processes and keep them ­If we defined processes, all members should know well the processes and follow them Time management in meeting Adaptation to new environments Course load balancing

14 14 Next Steps 2nd Iteration ­Complete SRS revision ­Refine Analysis and Design ­Make Acceptance Test Plan Risk Management ­Evaluation / Mitigation Plan / Track Continuous update of Process Handbook Preparation for Phase 3 (Summer 2004) ­Training Process for Implementation ­Development Environment

15 15 Q&A Audience to GEO GEO to Audience How do you regulate time between class and studio? How to handle the confliction between Function Point and Use Case point? What is your plan for spring break?

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