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NEUroBlend kick-off meeting Project overview Helsinki, 4 nov 2005 Paul van Keeken, Nicolai van der Woert.

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Presentation on theme: "NEUroBlend kick-off meeting Project overview Helsinki, 4 nov 2005 Paul van Keeken, Nicolai van der Woert."— Presentation transcript:

1 nEUroBlend kick-off meeting Project overview Helsinki, 4 nov 2005 Paul van Keeken, Nicolai van der Woert

2 European competence based blended learning framework for life-long vocational training of neuroscience nurses Paul van Keeken, MScN Nicolai van der Woert, MScE Neuro-Sensory department Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center The Netherlands nEUroBlend workshop

3 nEUroBlend kick off meeting, nov 4+5, 2005, Helsinki Community Vocational Training Action Programme Second phase: 2000-2006 Based on EANN strategy 2003-2008 (Elizabeth Preston) Qualified neuroscience nurses Support continuing and post-basic education European standards, accreditation, registration Neuroscience nursing = speciality Status in Europe? Differences? Consensus about competencies and education Accessible EANN services and resources, stronger links with national associations Share knowledge, make it available -- network European Function Profile  European Competence Profile  European Curriculum The project: history European competence based blended learning framework for life-long vocational training of neuroscience nurses

4 nEUroBlend kick off meeting, nov 4+5, 2005, Helsinki EU: 4,500,000+ patients, 125,000-1,500,000 nurses Enormous training need Diversity: Different laws & regulations, different educational systems, culture Working together as solution to EU & time/money problems NW: leaders; S+C: followers; new member states European ID: acute neurocare, neuro-rehabilitation, chronic neuro care/neuropalliative care EANN as initiator and guardian of EU-curriculum and materials The project: context

5 nEUroBlend kick off meeting, nov 4+5, 2005, Helsinki The project: Partners Radcliffe infermary, Oxford Heilig Hart Ziekenhuis, Roeselare-Menen University medical center St Radboud, Nijmegen Univerity Hospital, Helsinki Oulu Polytechnic, Oulu Lund University Hospital Landspitali University Hospital Reykjavik Örebro Universität St. Luke’s hospital, Malta Silent Partners (European Associations) EANN PCN (nurses EU) FINE (nurse educators) (National Associations) BE: BVNV/ABIN DK: DANN UK: BANN FI: FANN SE: SANN NL: NVNV IS: IANN IT: ANIN SW: SGNP

6 nEUroBlend kick off meeting, nov 4+5, 2005, Helsinki Project structure Work package 1: Curriculum Development  European Competence Profile (ECP)  European Learning Plan (ELP)  Module descriptions  Flexible learning paths  Blended learning plan  Educational management  Plan to increase professionalism of instructors  Recommendations, Lessons Learned Work package 2: Conferences & Publications  Curriculum conference 1: ECP and kick-off  Curriculum conference 2:: ELP  Curriculum conference 3: modules and learning paths  Curriculum conference 4: blended learning plan  Curriculum conference 5: education management  Final convention Reykjavik  Articles in trade magazines and journals  Project Board meetings Work package 3: Evaluation, Surveys, and Monitoring of Effects  Survey: inventory of needs, readiness, user context  Surveys: opinion and surface with European partners and members of EANN  Evaluation of results for each curriculum conference  Monitoring of effects pilot of developed materials  Project evaluation  Consultation of advisory group Work package 4: Educational Design and Development  Classification and metadata specification learning tools  Design, development and pilot digital repository of learning objects  Educational design, development and pilot E- learning Virtual company  Educational design, development and pilot CD- ROM training  Production video patient cases Work package 5: ICT Support and Production  Shared workspace for project participants  Shared workspace for neuroscience nurse trainers (Community of practice)  Shared workspace Virtual company  Questionnaire tool  Video-conferencing tools  Production digital repository of learning objects  Production CD-ROM training  Virtual Learning Environment Project Advisory Group Representation of stakeholders, end users and experts (concerning content)  Silent partners  National neuroscience associations  Educators and trainers  EANN/neuroscience nurses  Representatives from associations for different kinds of neurological disorders Project Board Representation of project partners Project managers Full project partners (not the silent partners) EANN Representation of advisory group Project Management  Project management  Direction  Quality management  Plan for change  Reports  Valorisation  Communication  Neuro-nursing  Educational

7 nEUroBlend kick off meeting, nov 4+5, 2005, Helsinki Project timeline

8 nEUroBlend kick off meeting, nov 4+5, 2005, Helsinki Function Profile  Competence Profile  Curriculum  Learning Plan & Module description  Learning/teaching materials Learner Competence based learning Blended learning: best blend of F2F, self-study, e-learning, other methods Life long learning, rapid developments of profession, learner needs are the central issue, individual learning paths Teacher/educational developer Tools,tips, how-to’s, templates for teachers, e-coach Train the trainer Community for trainers / developers Organisations Adaptable to many varying implementations/cultures Levels of use / readiness / maturity Implementation Plan Content: reusable learning objects Collecting, (re-)designing,developing, disclosing stored in repository Samples in VLE The project: goals Follow up projects: Train the Trainer, accreditation and exchangeability of certificates, more curriculum materials

9 nEUroBlend kick off meeting, nov 4+5, 2005, Helsinki Integrated curriculum development EU competence profile, EU learning plan, Blended Learning Plan Plan for ‘train the trainer’ Plan for educational organisation Material development Follow ups: Quality management, train the trainer E-tools ‘workspace’ Shared workspace Community of practice VLE Repository, metadata, content packaging, interopreability Open Source software Change management Curriculum conferences Kick-off meeting & closing convention Continuous monitoring, surveys Core group – EU/national associations Maturity Model Prince2 project management Strategy Components

10 nEUroBlend kick off meeting, nov 4+5, 2005, Helsinki

11 Project outcomes

12 nEUroBlend kick off meeting, nov 4+5, 2005, Helsinki Competence based learning A competence describes behaviour needed to be successful in a professional context. Levels criteria, reflection Competence development requires the use of knowledge, skills and attitudes in an integrated way within an authentic learning environment Different every time  situation Meta-action Result/product action Knowledge Skills Attitudes roles Anticipate Plan care or treatment Reflection Justify actions Explain why Criteria for action Product criteria  standards & routines

13 nEUroBlend kick off meeting, nov 4+5, 2005, Helsinki Competence based learning A competence describes behaviour needed to be successful in a professional context. Levels criteria, reflection Competence based learning and teaching philosophy could include: ………  Learning is aimed at actively constructing knowledge in a meaningful context  A competence is connected to meaningful job/task-specific learning contexts  Integrative learning aimed at coherence rather than loose facts  Active reflection  Working together as on the workfloor where possible  Flexible learning paths  Adjusted to needs and EGC’s of individual learner  Competences cannot be learned in one click, they grow in a process  Individual learner is responsible for own learning process  Teacher is facilitator or coach for learning process

14 nEUroBlend kick off meeting, nov 4+5, 2005, Helsinki Designing the curriculum

15 nEUroBlend kick off meeting, nov 4+5, 2005, Helsinki Designing the curriculum EFPEuropean function profileTask oriented, gives clues about how to do the job ECPEuropean competence profileCompetence oriented, gives clues about roles, contexts, outcomes & products and their criteria, reflection ELPEuropean Learning PlanGives info about the philosophy of learning and teaching MDModule DescriptionsDescribes the content areas in relation to competences FLPFlexible Learning PathsAlternatives for an individual to acquire competences at a certain level BLPBlended Learning PlanDescribes alternatives for using different modes of learning EOEducational OrganisationAlternatives for institutes at different levels of maturity to implement ECP in learning and teaching PPTPlan for Professionalising TeachersTrain the trainer plan IMPImplementation planStrategies, do’s and don’ts for different contexts

16 nEUroBlend kick off meeting, nov 4+5, 2005, Helsinki 2. Virtual Learning Environment 3. Virtual Patient Case/ Virtual Hospital 4. Community of Practice 1.Learning Objects/ Digital Repository Tools overview

17 nEUroBlend kick off meeting, nov 4+5, 2005, Helsinki Business logistics Care Chain Mgt. E-Care Scientific Research Digital repositories E-learning (VLE, LCMS, CBT) Electronic patient record Project groups: Virtual workspace Communities of Practice Data, knowledge, procedures, guidelines, classifications, … Emerging Practices

18 nEUroBlend kick off meeting, nov 4+5, 2005, Helsinki The HEAL database/repository (univ.of Utah) Peer reviewed Rating possible Multimedia Metadata Mesh IEEE-Lom Shared collections Open Source, free !!! Creative Commons The HEAL repository

19 nEUroBlend kick off meeting, nov 4+5, 2005, Helsinki We are not alone….. The HEAL database/repository

20 nEUroBlend kick off meeting, nov 4+5, 2005, Helsinki Authoring, Metadata, Peer reviewing, collection sharing The HEAL database/repository

21 nEUroBlend kick off meeting, nov 4+5, 2005, Helsinki The HEAL database/repository

22 nEUroBlend kick off meeting, nov 4+5, 2005, Helsinki The HEAL database/repository

23 nEUroBlend kick off meeting, nov 4+5, 2005, Helsinki Teaching tips/ pedagogy Learning content Example Lessons interoperability Metadata Re-Use, update VLE, patient case Retrieve Search Store Design & Develop Learning Objects: slide, photo, video, text, … presentation, test, quiz, example Case, lesson, assignment Module, course Handbook, care-plan, protocol Metadata, learning objects, VLE

24 nEUroBlend kick off meeting, nov 4+5, 2005, Helsinki Overview 2. Virtual Learning Environment 3. Virtual Patient Case/ Virtual Hospital 4. Community of Practice 1.Learning Objects/ Digital Repository Tools overview

25 nEUroBlend kick off meeting, nov 4+5, 2005, Helsinki Virtual Learning Environment

26 nEUroBlend kick off meeting, nov 4+5, 2005, Helsinki Virtual Learning Environment

27 nEUroBlend kick off meeting, nov 4+5, 2005, Helsinki VLE and Virtual Patient as a part of Competence Based Blended Learning Virtual Learning Environment: time and place independent learning, updated materials from repository, mix of computer and F2F Virtual Patient Case: authentic learning materials, different levels, systematic approach to nursing Virtual Hospital Simulation: e-coach, real events and interventions, practicing without danger, groupwork possible MIX !!! F2F, groupwork, home-study, assignments, in-service, classroom, books, protocolls, resources….. Virtual Learning Environment

28 nEUroBlend kick off meeting, nov 4+5, 2005, Helsinki 2. Virtual Learning Environment 3. Virtual Patient Case/ Virtual Hospital 4. Community of Practice 1.Learning Objects/ Digital Repository Tools overview

29 nEUroBlend kick off meeting, nov 4+5, 2005, Helsinki Observe the patient at different points in time, come to conclusions Gather information (do tests, ask questions, browse patient record) Make a plan for care / treatment / interventions Systematic approach learning modes solo, with e-coach, cooperative learning/peer feedback, cooperative learning/team, hospital simulation (virtual company) Informed Consent procedure  short demo Virtual Patient Case

30 nEUroBlend kick off meeting, nov 4+5, 2005, Helsinki Electronic Patient Record as part of Virtual Patient Case Virtual Patient Case

31 nEUroBlend kick off meeting, nov 4+5, 2005, Helsinki Overview 2. Virtual Learning Environment 3. Virtual Patient Case/ Virtual Hospital 4. Community of Practice 1.Learning Objects/ Digital Repository Tools overview

32 nEUroBlend kick off meeting, nov 4+5, 2005, Helsinki Community of practice for teachers and educators: a virtual workspace News Documents Knowledge base Working together Discussion Focus Groups Design & Development Surveys Sub-projects Calendar … Open source! Community of Practice

33 nEUroBlend kick off meeting, nov 4+5, 2005, Helsinki 2. Virtual Learning Environment 3. Virtual Patient Case/ Virtual Hospital 4. Community of Practice 1.Learning Objects/ Digital Repository Discussion and questions…

34 nEUroBlend kick off meeting, nov 4+5, 2005, Helsinki drs. Nicolai van der Woert Drs.Paul van Keeken Tel. +31 24 36 14914 Contact information

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