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© atraxis ag, Zurich-Airport, Switzerland PTPF - Personal TPF A brief first Status you will find us on the web at:

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Presentation on theme: "© atraxis ag, Zurich-Airport, Switzerland PTPF - Personal TPF A brief first Status you will find us on the web at:"— Presentation transcript:

1 © atraxis ag, Zurich-Airport, Switzerland PTPF - Personal TPF A brief first Status you will find us on the web at:

2 © atraxis ag, Zurich-Airport, Switzerland Who the hell is he ?!? Name:Leo Hauser Company: atraxis Title:Manager TPF Application Services & Development Support TPF Skill:23 Years ACP/TPF between ´70 and ´97

3 © atraxis ag, Zurich-Airport, Switzerland What is he talking about ?  Evaluation of a new Development Tool  Why do we need one  What goals did we have  Product Selection / Pilot Phase  Project Process  Final Decision / planned environment  Experiences  What’s next  Installation Process  Future Plans  Q&A

4 © atraxis ag, Zurich-Airport, Switzerland Introduction  We are constantly looking for new Dev.Support Tools  A new Development Environment should cover  TPF Assembler  TPF ISO-C  TPF/MVS (ALCS) Assembler  TPF/MVS (ALCS) ISO-C  TPF Regression Testing  TPF/MVS (ALCS) Regression Testing  Improved Utilities  This all in addition to PLASMa/Endevor on MVS/TSO and to VM/VPARS Testsystems

5 © atraxis ag, Zurich-Airport, Switzerland Why a new Development Tool?  New staff...  are used to PC environments and are not familiar with host editors and alike  want to have the same ‘state of the art’ working environment as their colleagues on other platforms  Development Environment could supply more efficient tools on one desktop  Graphical Cross References  Graphical Tracing  Integration with other PC tools (e.g. Documentation)  This all should help to achieve  Faster development cycles  Better quality of the TPF software products  Motivated developers

6 © atraxis ag, Zurich-Airport, Switzerland History  1995  Regression test tool from IBM on OS/2 –Seemed to be to complex at that time and on the wrong platform  PC Dev. Tool TIDE from Singapore Airline –was not covering our requirements and was in an early stage  1996  Regression test tool from UNISYS –was not chosen by our applications mainly because lack of proper 2915 support  Regression test tool from Amadeus (Nice) –was exactly what we wanted, but Amadeus Management stopped joint venture

7 © atraxis ag, Zurich-Airport, Switzerland History (cont.)  1996 (cont.)  Personal TPF was introduced  First contacts with Qadrant  1997  Start negotiations and planning  Details/Demo at TUG in SFO  Customization of an atraxis system by Qadrant  Contract negotiations  Business Case for atraxis management  Pilot Installation of Infrastructure and System (Sep.1997)

8 © atraxis ag, Zurich-Airport, Switzerland Goals for a new Development Environment  State of the art User Interface/Functions  DeManD Help and Handbook system  aRT Regression testing for TPF and TPF/MVS (ALCS)  Developing and Unit testing for Assembler  Developing and Unit testing for ISO-C  Improved/graphical Utilities (Crossrefs, etc.)  Complimentary to developing and testing on PLASMa and VPARS  New Testing concept (Unit on PC, Connectivity and Integration on VPARS, Final/User on RESx/ALCx)  Better motivation for TPF developers

9 © atraxis ag, Zurich-Airport, Switzerland Prerequisites for a new Development Environment  Productivity improvement  GUI  Enable easier testing -> better quality testing  ONE desktop environment independent of development language (Assembler, SPM, ISO-C,...)  Must be integrated into existing Mainframe Change Management system and development cycle  Must be able to run on existing desktop PCs  Must stay in sync with TPF and TPF/MVS releases  Must be accepted by TPF developers  Independence of Mainframe as much as possible

10 © atraxis ag, Zurich-Airport, Switzerland PTPF Project Plan  Demo / Info to Management and Pilot Team (29.9.1997)  Select small pilot team and set up scope of pilot  Prepare PTPF for Pilot Team  Pilot Testing (Mid Oct. through End Nov. 1997)  Collect GO/NOGOs (1.Dec.1997)  Prepare new Business Case for atraxis Management  GO/NOGO by atraxis Management (by Mid Dec.1997)  Deploy PTPF to developers (from Mid Dec.1997)

11 © atraxis ag, Zurich-Airport, Switzerland TPF & TPF/MVS (ALCS) Development Environment MVS TPF On-line System TPF Complex A TPF Complex B TSO/E PLASMa/ENDEVOR SourceLibraryTest(PDS) SourceLibraryProd(PDS) ObjectLibrary(PDS) VM VPARS PROFS/OV VPARS TPF Test Systems C-X TPF Test System M Complex AComplex B TPF Test System B Complex AComplex B Programs & Macros TPF/DC Masks & Transactions Documentation File Definitions Data Flow System Access SharedGeneralFile(MVS/TPF) VMON ALCS Test System for Customer Shipments ALCS Test System Z and part-time Y part-time Y LoadLibrary

12 © atraxis ag, Zurich-Airport, Switzerland TPF Test Systems Prime Dupe RESC PrimeDupe RESE RESG RESD RESI RESK RESL RESN RESO RESQ RESH (SSW) VPARS I U C V RESR (Router) Prime Dupe RESM (SSW) Complex A & B RESF (SSW) NCA0E1-3745 NCA...-3745 S/1 B1 RESBComplex A & B

13 © atraxis ag, Zurich-Airport, Switzerland TPF & TPF/MVS Combined Development Cycle Analysis & Design Coding Testing on TPF VPARS Integration Tests TPF RESB TPF/MVS Compatibility Tests TPF/MVS Compatibility Tests TPF - TPF/MVS (ALCS) Compatibility Cycle Load to TPF Production PTPF Development Cycle

14 © atraxis ag, Zurich-Airport, Switzerland atraxis MVS atraxis VM PTPF Environment Overview Dev Team X Source Download VPARSEndevor PTPF PTPFMaster Dev Team Y Internet Decentralized Dev Teams or Education Shared GDS Data Retrieval

15 © atraxis ag, Zurich-Airport, Switzerland Experiences so far  Positive  PTPF fulfils our needs  Qadrant reacts to our requirements within adequate time  Pilot team was satisfied although full integration was not possible  Portability for “off-line” use abroad or in education classes  Negative  Not usable for SSW as PTPF is “an emulation” only  Not usable for communications / connectivity  Still in “developing” stage, ISO-C support announced  Small support/development team base  Future of Qadrant / PTPF development team ?

16 © atraxis ag, Zurich-Airport, Switzerland Experiences so far (cont.)  To be proven  Ease of upgrades in own TPF SSW  Availability / functionality for ISO-C  Synchronization with TPF releases  Availability / usability for new features (PUT7)  Availability of new features for communications / connectivity  Future of Qadrant / PTPF development team ?

17 © atraxis ag, Zurich-Airport, Switzerland Next Steps  Install PTPF Server  Integrate into existing environment  Establish education  Deploy first 20 licenses  Build up daily support  If successful buy next 20 licenses (full size up to 80 licenses)  Create PC desktop environment with PTPF and other Tools integrated

18 © atraxis ag, Zurich-Airport, Switzerland Thank You For Your Attention!

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