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Presentation on theme: "On – Site Training Overview LAND USE PLANNING FOR PRIORITY SPECIES AND VEGETATION March 11, 2010."— Presentation transcript:


2 Course Objective To assist BLM planning teams in incorporating biological information for vegetation, special status, and other priority species and vegetation into updated Resource Management Plans LAND USE PLANNING FOR PRIORITY SPECIES AND VEGETATION

3 Need To improve BLM’s capability to analyze and clarify biological information about key species and vegetation during RMP planning. A tool and methodology to organize biological data and analyses and inform decision making during RMP planning. Accompanied by an interactive workbook that clearly displays analyses of the alternatives and houses key information to support RMP documentation. What is PPSV LAND USE PLANNING FOR PRIORITY SPECIES AND VEGETATION

4 PPSV Benefits Supports and substantiates science based planning decisions in systematic, logical, stepwise manner Enhances interdisciplinary team collaboration Design and adjust alternatives and cumulative effect analysis Framework for monitoring plans and tracking implementation actions Supports compliance with BLM Planning Handbook H-1610-1 and Appendix C Provides greater clarity and rigor for public, legal, other reviews LAND USE PLANNING FOR PRIORITY SPECIES AND VEGETATION

5 5. Formulate monitoring plan to evaluate effectiveness of management strategies and future priority species / vegetation health 1. Identify priority species & vegetation 2. Describe their health 3. Identify factors affecting health for each RMP alternative 4. Develop strategies to maintain or improve health for each RMP alternative Planning Steps LAND USE PLANNING FOR PRIORITY SPECIES AND VEGETATION

6 1. Course Overview Distance Learning 2. Gathering key guidance, direction and resources 3. Planning area overview 4. Selecting priority species and vegetation homework LAND USE PLANNING FOR PRIORITY SPECIES AND VEGETATION

7 On – Site Training Introduce monitoring framework methodology Tool Training Identify priority species and vegetation Describe current and desired condition Identify management strategies Assess effects to priority species and vegetation LAND USE PLANNING FOR PRIORITY SPECIES AND VEGETATION

8 On – Site Training: Day 1 Identify priority species and vegetation Describe current and desired condition - Group Exercise (homework) - Quick Review - Key Ecological Attributes and Indicators - Group Exercise - Examples LAND USE PLANNING FOR PRIORITY SPECIES AND VEGETATION

9 On – Site Training: Day 2 -Analysis of Management Situation and Trends -Examples -Group Exercise Conduct Effect Analyses Identify Management Strategies Introduce Monitoring Framework methodology Planning tool training LAND USE PLANNING FOR PRIORITY SPECIES AND VEGETATION -Actions -Restrictions Alternatives – Analyzing the effects

10 On – Site Training CORE CONCEPTS Develop monitoring framework Identify priority species and vegetation Assess health Identify management strategies Assess effects LAND USE PLANNING FOR PRIORITY SPECIES AND VEGETATION

11 BLM required species Coarse scale priority vegetation Fine scale priority species To select priority species & vegetation Core Concepts – Priority Species & Vegetation - Accounts for all BLM required species & vegetation - Captures major vegetation types of planning area - Accounts for other species that require special attention - Is not a comprehensive list, but is representative of planning area LAND USE PLANNING FOR PRIORITY SPECIES AND VEGETATION

12 On – Site Training CORE CONCEPTS Develop monitoring framework Identify priority species and vegetation Assess health Identify management strategies Assess effects LAND USE PLANNING FOR PRIORITY SPECIES AND VEGETATION

13 Core Concepts – Health Assessment Habitat Quality Population Size Connectivity of populations Cover near leks # displaying males Distribution of leks Indicator Linkage Between Key Ecological Attributes & Indicators Key Ecological Attribute LAND USE PLANNING FOR PRIORITY SPECIES AND VEGETATION

14 Identify Measurable Indicator Select Key Attribute Assess Current Condition Desired Condition Core Concepts- Current and Desired Condition LAND USE PLANNING FOR PRIORITY SPECIES AND VEGETATION

15 LAND USE PLANNING FOR PRIORITY SPECIES AND VEGETATION Priority Species/Vegetation Landscape ContextConditionSize Health Rank Grade Greater Sage-GrouseFair Pinyon-Juniper WoodlandsGoodFairGood Sagebrush ShrublandsFairPoorGoodFair Ponderosa/ Warm Dry Mixed ConiferFair GoodFair Riparian/AquaticPoorFair Semi-desert ShrublandsFairPoorGoodFair Semi-desert grasslandGoodFairGood Mixed Grass PrairieFairGood Project Area Health RankFair Health Summary

16 On – Site Training CORE CONCEPTS Develop monitoring framework Identify priority species and vegetation Assess health Identify management strategies Assess effects LAND USE PLANNING FOR PRIORITY SPECIES AND VEGETATION

17 Effects Analysis IDENTIFY ALTERED KEY ECOLOGICAL ATTRIBUTES: IDENTIFY SOURCES OF ALTERED ATTRIBUTES: Core Concepts – Assess Effects to Priority Species and Vegetation LAND USE PLANNING FOR PRIORITY SPECIES AND VEGETATION Altered key ecological attributes describe the ways that priority species or vegetation may be destroyed, degraded or impaired Sources are the proximate cause of the altered key ecological attributes

18 - allowable uses and potential restrictions - management actions needed for protection/restoration IDENTIFY ALTERED ATTRIBUTES: - need for change; management opportunities - restoration needs to meet land health standards IDENTIFY SOURCES OF ALTERED ATTRIBUTES: Effects Analysis LAND USE PLANNING FOR PRIORITY SPECIES AND VEGETATION Core Concepts – Assess Effects to Priority Species and Vegetation

19 Effects Across Priority Spp/Veg Greater Sage-Grouse Pinyon- Juniper Woodlands Sagebrush Shrublands Ponderosa/ Warm Dry Mixed Conifer Riparian/Aqu atic Semi-desert Shrublands Semi-desert grassland Overall Effect Rank Project-specific Effects1234567 Livestock use HighVery HighHighMediumHigh Very High Invasive species (plants) HighVery HighMediumHighMediumHighVery High Road construction, pipelines, other infrastructure development MediumVery High MediumHigh Energy and mineral exploration LowHigh Medium High Fishing practices High Medium Home developmentHigh Medium Invasive species (animals) High Medium Small population size (Gunnison sage grouse) High Medium Trans-basin diversions High Medium West Nile VirusHigh Medium elk and deer impacts Medium LowMedium OHV and other recreation Low Medium Fire suppression-LowMedium Residential development Medium Inadequate Fuels treatments Medium Low Use of existing roads LowMedium Low Effect Status for Species or Communities and Project High Very HighMediumHigh Very High LAND USE PLANNING FOR PRIORITY SPECIES AND VEGETATION

20 On – Site Training CORE CONCEPTS Develop monitoring framework Identify priority species and vegetation Assess health Identify management strategies Assess effects LAND USE PLANNING FOR PRIORITY SPECIES AND VEGETATION

21 BLM Planning Guidance Allowable Uses & Mgmt Actions BLM H-1601-1 Appendix C Vegetation Fish & Wildlife Special Status Species Desired Condition - BLM H-1601-1 Core Concepts – Management Strategies LAND USE PLANNING FOR PRIORITY SPECIES AND VEGETATION

22 Core Concepts – Management Strategies After identifying priority species and habitats, describing their health, and identifying factors affecting their health, opportunities to improve management begin emerge. LAND USE PLANNING FOR PRIORITY SPECIES AND VEGETATION

23 Core Concepts – Management Strategies Use planning tool to compare Alternatives LAND USE PLANNING FOR PRIORITY SPECIES AND VEGETATION

24 Overall Health Summary Colorado Plateau RMP Priority Species/Vegetation Landscape ContextConditionSize Health Rank Grade Greater Sage-GrouseFair Pinyon-Juniper WoodlandsGoodFairGood Project Area Health RankGood No Action Overall Health Summary Colorado Plateau RMP Priority Species/Vegetation Landscape ContextConditionSize Health Rank Grade Greater Sage-GrouseFairGood Pinyon-Juniper WoodlandsGoodFairGood Project Area Health RankGood Alternative A LAND USE PLANNING FOR PRIORITY SPECIES AND VEGETATION

25 Summary of Effects Click the page-down icon ▼to the right to view more summary tables. Colorado Plateau RMP Effects Across Priority Spp/Veg Greater Sage- Grouse Pinyon-Juniper Woodlands Overall Effect Rank Project-specific Effects12 1Grazing practicesHigh 2Home development adjacent to public landsHighMedium 3Invasive species (plants) HighMedium 4West Nile VirusHigh Medium 5Oil and gas exploration and drillingMediumLow 6Development of roads and utilitiesMedium Low 7Inadequate Fuels treatments MediumLow 8Incompatible vegetation treatmentsMedium Low 9Management of/for certain speciesMedium Low 10Pinyon disease (ips, black fungus) MediumLow Effects Status for Species or Communities and Project High Medium No Action LAND USE PLANNING FOR PRIORITY SPECIES AND VEGETATION

26 Summary of Effects Click the page-down icon ▼to the right to view more summary tables. Colorado Plateau RMP Effects Across Priority Spp/Veg Greater Sage- Grouse Pinyon- Juniper Woodlands Overall Effect Rank Project-specific Effects12 1Home development adjacent to public landsHighMedium 2Grazing practicesMedium 3Oil and gas exploration and drillingMediumLow 4Development of roads and utilitiesMedium Low 5Inadequate Fuels treatments MediumLow 6Incompatible vegetation treatmentsMedium Low 7Invasive species (plants) MediumLow 8Management of/for certain speciesMedium Low 9Pinyon disease (ips, black fungus) MediumLow 10West Nile VirusMedium Low Effects Status for Species or Communities and Project HighMedium Alternative A LAND USE PLANNING FOR PRIORITY SPECIES AND VEGETATION

27 On – Site Training CORE CONCEPTS Develop monitoring framework Identify priority species and vegetation Assess health Identify management strategies Assess effects LAND USE PLANNING FOR PRIORITY SPECIES AND VEGETATION


29 Monitoring Colorado Plateau RMP # Priority Species/ Vegetation Key Ecological Attribute IndicatorsPriorityStatus Who monitors Annual Cost to BLM Funding Source 1 Greater Sage- Grouse Population sizeNumber of displaying males on leks Very High Ongoing State Wildlife Agency $0State Wildlife Agency 2 Pinyon-Juniper Woodlands Species composition / dominance Diversity of understory species in PJ woodlands MediumOngoing BLM$0Part of Land Health Assessmen t 2 Pinyon-Juniper Woodlands Invasive species (plants) Diversity of understory species in PJ woodlands MediumOngoing BLM$0 2 Pinyon-Juniper Woodlands Fire regime - (timing, frequency, intensity, extent) FRCC in PJ woodlands HighOngoing LANDFIRE partnership $0 Priority Species/ Vegetation KEAs Indicators Monitoring Framework LAND USE PLANNING FOR PRIORITY SPECIES AND VEGETATION

30 On – Site Training: Day 2 & 3 Planning Tool Training LAND USE PLANNING FOR PRIORITY SPECIES AND VEGETATION


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