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World in Transition: The Expansion of Civilization.

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1 World in Transition: The Expansion of Civilization

2 Essential Understanding How did the development of religious traditions provided a bond among the people and an ethical code to live by? How and why did belief systems and cultural traditions spread to new areas? How did the development of religious traditions affect social and gender roles, and artistic expression?

3 What is the purpose of religion? Consider spiritual and practical purposes.

4 Hinduism Began in India c.1500 BCE Thousands of gods –Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva Sacred Texts –Vedas,, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita Shiva, the Destroyer

5 Basic Beliefs of Hinduism Reincarnation Major Ideas –Dharma (duty) –Karma (action) –Samsara (cycle of life) –Moksha (liberation) Yoga, Meditation, Prayer –Paths or practices –Several different types Kali, goddess of death and destruction

6 Social Impact of Hinduism (caste system) Priests Warriors Farmers/Businessmen Servants Untouchables

7 Modern Untouchables Modern India has 160 million untouchables or approximately 15% of India’s population.

8 Judaism Monotheistic –Yahweh (YHWH) Abraham considered “father” of the Jews (1800 BCE) –Covenant b/w Abraham and Yahweh Hebrews are the chosen people of God & Canaan is the chosen land Messiah (savior) will create God’s kingdom on Earth Abraham and Issac by Rembrandt

9 Basic Beliefs of Judaism Torah –First five books of bible (Old Testament) Ten Commandments –Given to Moses from God One is saved through commitment to being moral to God. –613 commandments Moses by Rembrandt

10 Social Impact of Judaism Patriarchal community Heavy emphasis on tradition & culture –Language, diet, holidays, etc. Short lived kingdom in the Middle East Jewish Diaspora Israel as a united monarchy lasted from 1050-930 BCE. Eventually it was divided into two kingdoms. The northern kingdom of Israel would last until 720 BCE. The southern kingdom of Judah would last until 586. The fall of the two kingdoms led to Jewish Diaspora.

11 The Diaspora

12 70 CE to 1948 Romans involved in crucifixion of Jesus –Worried about Jewish rebellion Destroy sacred temples in Jerusalem Jews exiled from Israel Few Jewish people in “Israel” until 1948

13 Buddhism Founded by Siddhartha Gautama (563-483 BCE) –Born into Kshatriya (warrior) caste Reform movement of Hinduism –No Brahman (god) –Rejects the atman (soul) –No caste system

14 Basic Beliefs of Buddhism Four Noble Truths –Life is suffering –Desire causes suffering –End suffering by ending desire –To end desire follow the Eightfold Path Right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration Buddhist Wheel of Life; the eight spokes represent the Eightfold Path

15 Spread of Buddhism

16 Confucianism Started by Confucius (551-479 BCE) during the Warring States Period in China Offers solutions to the problems plaguing China –Focus on life rather than the afterlife Does not advocate a specific deity Drawing of Confucius

17 Basic Beliefs of Confucianism Emphasizes ren and li –Appropriate feelings –Correct action Goal is to promote harmony on Earth through relationships –Five Relationships Filial Piety –Respect for one’s parents Education –Any one can be educated Dacheng Temple in Confucius’ hometown of Qufu in China.

18 Social Impact of Confucianism Becomes foundation of Chinese government Reinforced importance of patriarchal relationships Reinforced family as the center of Chinese society Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore are influenced by Confucian ethic


20 Daoism (Taoism) Founded by Laozi (6 th cent. BCE?) during the Warring States Period Everything revolves around the Dao Goal: Create societal harmony by living according to the natural laws of the universe Wu Wei “without action”

21 Impact of Daoism Encourages respect for nature Heavily influenced Chinese art and literature –Landscape paintings Yoga and meditation Hygiene and cleanliness Medicine Balance between Yin (feminine, dark) and Yang (masculine, light)

22 Christianity Founded by Jesus (4 BCE – 30 CE) –There are few written historical accounts of Christianity's early history. –What we know comes from the writings of disciples Reform movement of Judaism –Downplayed “the law”

23 Basic Beliefs of Christianity Jesus preached justice, love/compassion, coming of God’s kingdom –delivered teachings in parables—stories with morals Miracles –Healing the sick, restoring sight to the blind, feeding the hungry, walking on water Rituals –Baptism, Holy Communion

24 Acceptance of Christianity Opposition –Jewish Threatened by Jesus –Roman Worried that the poor would rebel Crucifixion of Jesus Spread to Rome –Paul of Tarsus Taught that Jesus was the son of God, the giver of a new law, and preached that Jesus’ teachings were open to all Reached out to gentiles (non-jews)

25 Acceptance of Christianity Legal Status –Constantine (313 C.E.) Funded Christian churches Official Religion of Roman Empire –Theodosius (392 C.E.) Outlawed paganism Restricted Judaism

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