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America: A Cultural Mosaic

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1 America: A Cultural Mosaic
Chapter 1, Section 2

2 The American Identity What has America been called? Define Immigrants.
Immigrant have brought to America customs and different traditions from their homelands. Because we are a nation of immigrants our nation is a very diverse nation.

3 The American Identity A Melting Pot? The American Mosaic
What does this term reflect? Manny immigrants have continued to speak their native languages at home and follow their native customs. Where do you see this? Does this mean that America has melted together? The American Mosaic What is a Mosaic?

4 European Americans Europeans were among the first to immigrate to America. They sought religious freedom, political freedom, and the opportunity to have their own farms and businesses. In 1600s and 1700s the majority of the immigrants came from England, Ireland, and Scotland. With them the brought the English language, traditions, and their government- which as we’ll see later influenced the shaping of our nation.

5 European Americans Other Europeans Arrive Diversity
Many other settlers arrived from Germany, France, Netherlands, and Scandinavia. Most were of what religion? Between 1830 and 1920 many Central and Eastern European migrated to America. Many of them were________. Why did Irish, Italians, and Greeks come to America? Diversity What were the things that these immigrants had that were different?

6 Hispanic Americans Hispanics or Latinos share a common language and culture from Spanish speaking countries. Hispanics can be of any race. As the United States expanded in the 1800s it took land that had been once conquered by the Spaniards. Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, California, and Florida. Today where do the Hispanic immigrants come from?

7 Hispanic Americans Latino Culture Challenges
Spanish speakers are the largest minority in the United States. Hispanic foods, music, and architecture have greatly influenced the U.S. culture. What are some examples? Challenges For Hispanics it has been easier to find a place in the U.S. than for others. Those with professional training adapt quicker. Those that cannot speak English have a harder time adjusting.

8 African Americans African Americans unlike those cultures who have come by choice were brought to this country as slaves in colonial times. When did slavery end? Define discrimination.

9 African Americans Struggle for Equality
For many years what were African Americans barred from doing? Define Racism. From the 1960s to today many have been inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who called attention to the unequal treatment of blacks.

10 African Americans African Americans Today
Equal treatment is a goal that has not yet been completely achieved. Many live in poverty due to lack of opportunities. However, the number of African Americans graduating high school and college are steadily raising. Also home ownership and owned business.

11 Asian Americans The first to come to America were young men from villages of southeastern China. Why did they come? Many set up small businesses to supply miners’ needs. Later arrivals found work in building the railroads of the West and on farms and in fisheries. Japanese workers also began to arrive and the too entered into the farming business.

12 Asian Americans Why did many resent the Asians?
What laws were passed in 1882 and 1907? When was the last of these laws passed? After 1972, immigrants from the Southeast Asia began arriving because of wars and revolutions. Today how many Asians live in the United States?

13 Native Americans European Settlement
As Europeans arrived they began to compete with Native Americans for land. After bloody battles Native Americans were eventually pushed west. The lands they were pushed into were many times poor farming and hunting areas. By the 1800s as a result of the wars with settlers and diseases thousands of Indians dies.

14 Native Americans Living in Modern America
Today Native Americans have developed mineral resources on their lands. Other groups have turned to tourism. Many tribes are are pressing the government to have greater control of their lands and for payment of the lands that were taken from them. Higher education among Native Americans has steadily been increasing.

15 Our Population Today Define Census.
In 1990, 20% of the population were non-white. That number increased in 2000 to 25%. The number of Hispanics grew from 9% to 12% in For the first time the number of Hispanics grew larger than that of the African American population. Why is America so diverse?

16 Independent Assignment
Analyze Maps and Graphs Questions A & B on Pages Questions 1 & 2 on Page 15.

17 Group Assignment Venn Diagram:

18 Group Assignment Why the group came to America?
When the group came to America? Whether there is still a large group living in America and where? What were the group’s contributions? How have their contributions changed America? How is the group different today than it is when they first arrived? What are some examples of this groups culture? What political achievements have the group made?

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