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Manipulating data within PL/SQL Please use speaker notes for additional information!

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1 Manipulating data within PL/SQL Please use speaker notes for additional information!

2 SQL> DESC testplsql; Name Null? Type ------------------------------- -------- ---- IDNO NUMBER(3) NAME VARCHAR2(20) AMT1 NUMBER(6,2) A_CODE CHAR(2) AMT2 NUMBER(4) Manipulating data SQL> SELECT * FROM testplsql; IDNO NAME AMT1 A_ AMT2 --------- -------------------- --------- -- --------- 111 John Smith 112.12 MA 234 112 Ann Wilson 27.28 RI 987 113 Susan French 220.83 MA 345 114 James Rogers 500.12 RI 123 These records were inserted as I created the notes (please see the notes for additional information). I am going to go in and run test_insert which adds records to the table using testplsql_seq. Note that the last record in this table had an idno of 114 which was created by the testplsql_seq. I have been playing with testplsql_seq and now when I go in and use it, you will see that there is a gap.

3 SQL> edit test_insert Manipulating data DECLARE v_idno testplsql.idno%TYPE; BEGIN SELECT testplsql_seq.NEXTVAL INTO v_idno FROM dual; INSERT INTO testplsql VALUES(v_idno, 'Stephen York', 36.87, 'NY', 122); END; / Note that the idno is coming in from the sequence, the rest of the data has been hard coded into the PL/SQL block. SQL> @ test_insert PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> SELECT * FROM testplsql; IDNO NAME AMT1 A_ AMT2 --------- -------------------- --------- -- --------- 111 John Smith 112.12 MA 234 112 Ann Wilson 27.28 RI 987 113 Susan French 220.83 MA 345 114 James Rogers 500.12 RI 123 131 Stephen York 36.87 NY 122

4 Manipulating data SET VERIFY OFF ACCEPT in_name PROMPT 'Enter name: '; ACCEPT in_amt1 PROMPT 'Enter amount one: '; ACCEPT in_a_code PROMPT 'Enter the state code: '; ACCEPT in_amt2 PROMPT 'Enter amount two: '; DECLARE v_idno testplsql.idno%TYPE; v_name :='&in_name'; v_amt1 testplsql.amt1%TYPE :=&in_amt1; v_a_code testplsql.a_code%TYPE :='&in_a_code'; v_amt2 testplsql.amt2%TYPE :=&in_amt2; BEGIN SELECT testplsql_seq.NEXTVAL INTO v_idno FROM dual; INSERT INTO testplsql VALUES(v_idno, v_name, v_amt1, v_a_code, v_amt2); END; / SET VERIFY ON SQL> edit test_insert1

5 SQL> @ test_insert1 Enter name: Jennifer Ames Enter amount one: 345.99 Enter the state code: TX Enter amount two: 456 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. Manipulating data The ACCEPT statements shown on the previous slide and below put out these prompts and took in the user input data. ACCEPT in_name PROMPT 'Enter name: '; ACCEPT in_amt1 PROMPT 'Enter amount one: '; ACCEPT in_a_code PROMPT 'Enter the state code: '; ACCEPT in_amt2 PROMPT 'Enter amount two: '; SQL> SELECT * FROM testplsql; IDNO NAME AMT1 A_ AMT2 --------- -------------------- --------- -- --------- 111 John Smith 112.12 MA 234 112 Ann Wilson 27.28 RI 987 113 Susan French 220.83 MA 345 114 James Rogers 500.12 RI 123 131 Stephen York 36.87 NY 122 132 Jennifer Ames 345.99 TX 456 testplsql_seq.NEXTVAL was used to put in the idno from the testplsql_seq sequence.

6 SET VERIFY OFF ACCEPT in_idno PROMPT 'Enter the idno of the record to change amt1 in: '; DECLARE v_idno_in testplsql.idno%TYPE :=&in_idno; v_idno testplsql.idno%TYPE; v_amt1 testplsql.amt1%TYPE; v_new_amt1 testplsql.amt1%TYPE; BEGIN SELECT idno, amt1 INTO v_idno, v_amt1 FROM testplsql WHERE idno = v_idno_in; v_new_amt1 := v_amt1 * 1.1; UPDATE testplsql SET amt1 = v_new_amt1 WHERE idno = v_idno_in; END; / SET VERIFY ON SQL> edit test_update1 Manipulating data

7 SQL> SELECT * FROM testplsql; IDNO NAME AMT1 A_ AMT2 --------- -------------------- --------- -- --------- 111 John Smith 112.12 MA 234 112 Ann Wilson 27.28 RI 987 113 Susan French 220.83 MA 345 114 James Rogers 500.12 RI 123 131 Stephen York 36.87 NY 122 132 Jennifer Ames 345.99 TX 456 SQL> edit test_update1 SQL> @ test_update1 Enter the idno of the record to change amt1 in: 131 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> SELECT * FROM testplsql; IDNO NAME AMT1 A_ AMT2 --------- -------------------- --------- -- --------- 111 John Smith 112.12 MA 234 112 Ann Wilson 27.28 RI 987 113 Susan French 220.83 MA 345 114 James Rogers 500.12 RI 123 131 Stephen York 40.56 NY 122 132 Jennifer Ames 345.99 TX 456 The code in test_update1 selects a row/record, increases amt1 by 10% and then updates the record.

8 SET VERIFY OFF ACCEPT in_idno PROMPT 'Enter the idno of the record to delete: '; DECLARE v_idno_in testplsql.idno%TYPE :=&in_idno; v_idno testplsql.idno%TYPE; BEGIN COMMIT; DELETE FROM testplsql WHERE idno = v_idno_in; END; / SET VERIFY ON Manipulating data SQL> edit test_delete1 As I did in the notes, I am going to delete a record and then rollback to restore the record. The delete is done using the test_delete1 block of code.

9 SQL> @ test_delete1 Enter the idno of the record to delete: 131 PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> SELECT * FROM testplsql; IDNO NAME AMT1 A_ AMT2 --------- -------------------- --------- -- --------- 111 John Smith 112.12 MA 234 112 Ann Wilson 27.28 RI 987 113 Susan French 220.83 MA 345 114 James Rogers 500.12 RI 123 132 Jennifer Ames 345.99 TX 456 SQL> ROLLBACK; Rollback complete. SQL> SELECT * FROM testplsql; IDNO NAME AMT1 A_ AMT2 --------- -------------------- --------- -- --------- 111 John Smith 112.12 MA 234 112 Ann Wilson 27.28 RI 987 113 Susan French 220.83 MA 345 114 James Rogers 500.12 RI 123 131 Stephen York 40.56 NY 122 132 Jennifer Ames 345.99 TX 456 Manipulating data The prompt is the result of the ACCEPT in the code. Note that the row/record 131 has been deleted. After the rollback, the record is restored.

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