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Pacific Islands Climate Change Assistance Progamme (PICCAP) CLIMATE CHANGE V & A: AIACC PROJECT DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP 3-14 June, 2002 Trieste, ITALY Kanayathu.

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2 Pacific Islands Climate Change Assistance Progamme (PICCAP) CLIMATE CHANGE V & A: AIACC PROJECT DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP 3-14 June, 2002 Trieste, ITALY Kanayathu Koshy Pacific Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development The University of the South Pacific Suva, FIJI

3 Objectives of This Presentation Report on findings of PICCAP Terminal Project Report conducted in March, 2002, and specifically: zSuccess stories zLessons learned

4 Background/ 1 zA GEF/UNDP project, executed by SPREP, to build capacity of 10 Pacific Island Countries to address climate change issues zCommenced 1 July, 1997, initially for three years; plus a one year “top up” zSupported by many partners: international and regional

5 Background/ 2 During the PICCAP EA the countries developed and finalised: 1.10 x GHG Inventories 2.1 x Regional GHG Synthesis 3.10 x Preliminary V&A Assessment and Statements 4.1 x Regional V&A Synthesis 5.1 X Regional Mitigation Synthesis 6.9 x Initial National Communication 7.1 x High-Level Regional Statement 8.6 x Draft National Implementation Strategies 9.1 x PICCAP CD-Rom containing PICCAP Products

6 Background/ 3 zDuring the Top-Up zThe top-up was designed to include technology, systematic observations and emission factors, but most countries could only continue PICCAP EA type activities

7 What were the Success Stories? /1 zRobust project design: yregional coordination and cooperation, with national implementation zInitial focus on building in-country capacity yimproved coordination and consultation ya pool of human resources - “country teams” fundamental zNational and regional experts yImproved Training: the V&A Training Program yPlayed critical role, eliminating need for international experts

8 What were the Success Stories? /2 zEnhanced information base and understanding of climate change yacross all sectors and key groups yenhanced project management and design process zFirst National Communications ysubmitted by ten countries zMany other countries benefited from PICCAP

9 What were the Lessons Learned? /1 zIn Country Capacity: the country team approach - works well when the teams have a clear mandate and line of responsibility, transparent, inclusive and lead by team leaders who are trained in project management and coordination. zImproving Sector Coordination: the country teams must be sectorally diverse, well coordinated and ‘mainstreamed’. zProject Design: The EA part itself was well designed but not the top-up phase.

10 What were the Lessons Learned? /2 zManagement and Approach: regional coordination with national implementation. This required expert full time training assistance which was less than forthcoming. This slowed down the top-up phase. zReporting and Disbursement: considerable delays resulting from reporting and disbursement of funds requirements. zImplementing and Executing Agencies: lack of knowledge of different management and accounting systems slows progress.

11 Key to Mainstreaming Adaptation? zMake adaptation an integral component of the national risk management strategy zCountries already have policies and plans to manage: yFinancial risks yHuman health risks yAgricultural risks yRisks in the transport sector yEnergy supply risks, Etc zNeed to add climate change and variability to that portfolio of risks

12 How do we Mainstream Adaptation? /1 zRecognise that climate change is a significant impediment to successful economic development – i.e. a risk zWe are experiencing a foretaste of that risk – climate variability zManage that risk in an integrated manner – through adaptation zEnsure National Development Plans and sectoral plans include adaptation measures that will ensure risks are reduced to acceptable levels

13 How do we Mainstream Adaptation? /2 zUndertake institutional strengthening that results in Economic Ministries having a mandate and responsibility for ensuring that climate change is reflected in national policies and programmes zImprove decision making processes - require that specific programmes and projects include strategies and measures to manage risks associated with climate change and variability zCreate an attitude of “Environment for Development”, as opposed to “Environment and Development”

14 How do we Mainstream Adaptation? /3 zQuantify and Characterise the risks and costs of climate variability, and adapt in ways that reduce them zInform all groups and sectors of these risks and costs, their origins, and practical ways to reduce them – transparency and consultation important zEmphasise “no regrets” approaches, including those based on traditional knowledge and practices

15 How do we Mainstream Adaptation? /4 zDocument and Communicate success stories, best practice and lessons learned zMotivate and empower all stakeholders and key players zUtilize international understanding and support Quantify and Characterise the risks and costs of climate variability, and adapt in ways that reduce them

16 Conclusions/ 1 zPICCAP has laid a strong foundation for mainstreaming adaptation, but full potential not realised zClimate change is one end of the weather, climate variability/change spectrum zRisk is common to all three

17 Conclusions/ 2 zRisk management already part of the national “toolbox” zAdaptation should be a key risk minimization strategy in the national risk management portfolio








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