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Watersheds. What is a watershed? The area of land and all the smaller bodies of water that drain to a larger body of water.

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Presentation on theme: "Watersheds. What is a watershed? The area of land and all the smaller bodies of water that drain to a larger body of water."— Presentation transcript:

1 Watersheds

2 What is a watershed? The area of land and all the smaller bodies of water that drain to a larger body of water.

3 For example….. If this was Onondaga lake. Its watershed would be the river, smaller rivers and land that drains into it.

4 Watershed Divide Land at a high elevation that separates watersheds that are next to each other.

5 The divides around a watershed create the boundaries of the watershed.






11 Quiz your partner What is a watershed? What is a watershed divide?

12 Small watersheds drain into larger watersheds Stakma River Basin Tributary Drainage Basin

13 One watershed leads to a bigger watershed

14 JDMS is in Butternut Creek Watershed

15 Oneida Lake Watershed

16 Finger Lakes Drainage Basin Seneca River Oneida River Oswego River

17 Great Lakes Drainage Basin


19 Quiz your partner: What is the largest watershed you live in? What is the smallest watershed?

20 Point pollution is pollution that is directly placed into water. Examples include: sewage treatment waste, factory and industry waste, Tully Valley mudboils.

21 Non-point pollution is in run-off from the land around a body of water. Examples include soil, fertilizers and pesticides from farms. Soil and chemicals on the land of urban and suburban areas.

22 Point and non-point

23 Quiz your partner: 1. What is the difference between point and non-point pollution? 2. Give examples of point pollution. #. Give examples of non-point pollution.

24 Onondaga Lake has been polluted: Point sources: Industrial Waste Sewage Tully Mudboils Nonpoint sources Litter, chemicals (oil) on pavement

25 Onondaga Lake Pollution

26 Solvay Process Company (purchased by Honeywell) mined salt and made soda ash. This process created toxic chemicals that were dumped in the lake and poisoned the life in the lake. S

27 The industries also cut down forests and destroyed marshes. Both of which cleaned water.

28 Sewage was dumped in the lake. This increases the Nitrogen and Phosphorus in the lake and makes algae grow too much. This makes the lake cloudy and kills animals.

29 Sewage is treated so that the pollution is taken out of the wastewater.

30 When it rains the sewage goes into the lake and doesn’t make it to the sewage treatment plant. This is bad.

31 “ Save the Rain” helps the rain water stay in permeable surface and not get into the stormwater system so that the sewage doesn’t flow into Onondaga lake.

32 Tully Mudboils are in Onondaga Creek in Tully. Years of salt mining have caused mudboils. They are areas where the creek gets cloudy with mud. This hurts the animals and plants in the creek.

33 Onondaga Lake is getting cleaner! the-cleanup/

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