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Marine Mammals Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order Pinnipedia Family Phocidea Family Otariidae Family Odobenidae Order Carnivora Order.

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Presentation on theme: "Marine Mammals Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order Pinnipedia Family Phocidea Family Otariidae Family Odobenidae Order Carnivora Order."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marine Mammals Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order Pinnipedia Family Phocidea Family Otariidae Family Odobenidae Order Carnivora Order Sirenia

2 Order Pinnipedia  “Pinnipeds”  Seals, sea lions, and walruses  Debated whether it is its own order  Evolved from terrestrial carnivores thus sometimes put in Order Carnivora

3 Order Pinnipedia  All are carnivorous predators feeding mostly on squid and fish  Specialized streamlined body aids in swimming

4 Keeping Warm  Thick layer of blubber acts as insulation and as a food reserve  Also have bristly hair to aid in warmth

5 Family Phocidea  “True or Earless Seals”  No external ears  Flippers covered in fur  Hind flippers cannot be turned forward under the body for use in terrestrial motion  Moves on land by wiggling like a catapillar



8 Family Otariidae  “Eared Seals”  Sea Lions and Fur Seals  Visible external ears  Flippers are hairless  Hind flippers can be placed under body for awkward locomotion  Longer front flippers



11 Sea Lion vs. Seal

12 Family Odobenidae  “Walruses”  Tiny external ears  Tusks on male and female adults  Flippers are hairless  Can turn hind flippers under body for locomotion


14 Order Carnivora  Sea Otter  Smallest marine mammal  Lacks a layer of blubber  Stays warm by trapping air in its dense fur

15 Order Carnivora  Eat ¼ their body weight every day  Use tools to open hard crustaceans and mollusks they eat


17 Order Carnivora  Polar Bears  Semi-aquatic  Feed primarily on seals

18 Order Sirenia  Includes Manatees and Dugongs  “Sea Cows”  Closely related to elephants  Named after mermaids



21 Sirenians  Move by moving tail up and down  Well-padded with blubber  A few scattered hairs

22 Sirenians  Live in groups  Only strict vegetarians out of the marine mammals  Feed on seagrasses  Very low numbers as they were hunted for meat and reproduce slowly  Extinct Stellar’s Sea Cow

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