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Oslo kommune Næringsetaten Sammen lager vi utelivet tryggere (Together we’ll make city nightlife safer) SALUTT.

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Presentation on theme: "Oslo kommune Næringsetaten Sammen lager vi utelivet tryggere (Together we’ll make city nightlife safer) SALUTT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oslo kommune Næringsetaten Sammen lager vi utelivet tryggere (Together we’ll make city nightlife safer) SALUTT

2 The project group: A taskforce was established to prepare the way for the project. It was disbanded Sep. 15th 2011. The project group has been operational since Nov. 1st 2011. The group is headed by the Department of Culture and Business Development. The project group reports to a directing group.

3 The project group consists of: Johnny Brenna, project manager Lisbeth Solstad Ramstad, project secretary Espen Holm, TGIF, representative for the hospitality industry Gjermund Strømve, City-centre police station. Yvonne Larsen, City of Oslo, Welfare Agency Anders Aurmo, City of Oslo, Agency for Business Development Services

4 Mandate ”Through a proactive approach towards a selected group of establishments to reduce and prevent: service of alcohol to clearly intoxicated individuals, service of alcohol to minors, violence and public nuisances in Oslo.”

5 Political guidelines: Vice Mayor Røslands City Government declaration, dated Oct. 24th 2011 City Government proposition 223/11- Political strategies from the City of Oslo regarding intoxicants. City Government budget proposition, case 1. National budget for 2012.

6 The project area: An Oslo in miniature. Included streets: Rosenzkrantzgate, Tordenskiolds gate, Fridtjof Nansens Plass, Stortingsgata, Olav Vs gate og Klingenberggata.


8 Strategies: Modeled after the STAD-project. A structured and long-term undertaking, consisting of: –Cooperation and dialogue between the industry and the authorities. –Education and raising competence levels. –An increased amount of inspections, and an increased level of supervision.

9 Specific actions within the project area Educating the industry through two-day classes. Educating police and our inspectors. More visible police on the streets, and also visiting locations within the project area. Increasing dialogue between the industry and the authorities. Inspections and supervision.

10 Key performance indicators for SALUTT 2011-2013 Observational studies by the Agency for Business Development Services Observational studies by the City centre police station. Public surveys. Breathalyzer testing. Results from SIRUS’s actor-inspections.

11 STAD in Stockholm have experienced: A decrease in over-serving and in overall intoxication levels. Fewer cases of public disorder. A more pleasant city to move in. More adults, and thereby also more affluent individuals, participating in the city’s nightlife. An increase in revenue for the industry.


13 Questions? Fire away!

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