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What is my City? Oslo, Norway Oslo is the capital of Norway.

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Presentation on theme: "What is my City? Oslo, Norway Oslo is the capital of Norway."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is my City? Oslo, Norway Oslo is the capital of Norway

3 Where is the city located within Europe? Northwestern Europe

4 Where is the city located within the country? The council of Europe

5 What climate zone is the city found within? Snowfall & Rain

6 What rivers or waterways are relied by the city? Lysakenelvan, Alna, Hoffselva, Maerradalsbekken, Frognerelva, Lianselva, Ellingsrudelva, Gjersjoelva rivers.

7 What are the city’s important buildings The Swiss Style Building Of Norway

8 What are the city’s important buildings. The Munch Museum

9 What are the city’s important buildings National Gallery

10 What are the city’s important buildings The Folk Museum

11 What are the city’s important buildings The Oslo Cathedral

12 What are the city’s important buildings Stortinget

13 What are the city’s important buildings World Heritage Sites in Norway

14 Movement Taxi’s

15 Movement Buses

16 Movement Cars

17 Movement Airports & Airplanes

18 Movement National Socialist

19 Bibliography

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