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The Nobel Prize By T T OMC 5 TH Grade. Upcoming Slides Alfred Nobel & Establishment Subjects and Nominations Presidents Items Received& Place Awarded.

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Presentation on theme: "The Nobel Prize By T T OMC 5 TH Grade. Upcoming Slides Alfred Nobel & Establishment Subjects and Nominations Presidents Items Received& Place Awarded."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Nobel Prize By T T OMC 5 TH Grade

2 Upcoming Slides Alfred Nobel & Establishment Subjects and Nominations Presidents Items Received& Place Awarded Becoming a Winner 4 interesting facts

3 Alfred Nobel& Establishment Wrote articles Wrote poetry Took photography Was a scientist Was an inventor Was an entrepreneur Was a author Was a pacifist Prize was established in 1895.

4 Subjects & Nomination You can be awarded for achievements in: Physics Chemistry Physiology Medical cure Literature Peace You are nominated then chosen to be the winner.

5 Presidents, Items Received & Places Awarded Presidents: Theodore Roosevelt in 1906 Woodrow Wilson in 1919 Jimmy Carter in 2002 Barack Obama in 2009 The items: A gold medal Diploma Money:10,000,000 Place: Oslo City Hall, Norway

6 What I Learned About I learned that this prize has been going on since 1901. The first award in physics was to Willhelm Rontgen for his discovery of x-rays. Henry Dunant was the founder of Red Cross. There is also a peace center where you can learn about the history of the peace award.

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