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The Palestine Israel Conflict By: Kashif Ghani. Background Importance of Jerusalem Palestinians lived in Palestine for about 2000 years Zionism was an.

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Presentation on theme: "The Palestine Israel Conflict By: Kashif Ghani. Background Importance of Jerusalem Palestinians lived in Palestine for about 2000 years Zionism was an."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Palestine Israel Conflict By: Kashif Ghani

2 Background Importance of Jerusalem Palestinians lived in Palestine for about 2000 years Zionism was an organized movement of Jews to claim Palestine as a Jewish state Theodor Herzl formed the WZO in 1897

3 Background First idea: Buying land from the Ottoman Empire Ottomans forbade buying land Ottomans forbade Jews to enter Palestine as a distinct community with political ambitions Jews could enter only as individuals Confusion with Great Britain and France after WWII Handed down to the UN Israel established on May 14, 1948

4 Current Status, Recent Events The conflict has risen to its worst

5 Current Status, Recent Events The current status for the Palestinians Imposed severe restriction on Palestinian movement “ They have brought occupation to an extreme point. They dictate whether you move or not,” says Salah Jawwad, a professor of political science near Ramallah. “While we can talk about many other violations, like illegal killings, excessive use of forces, settler violence, issues of water, cases of beatings, there is a very long list... this specific violation, the restriction of movement, has the greatest effect because no Palestinian can escape it,” says Ms. Stein, Israeli human rights group director

6 Current Status, Recent Events Since the Beginning of the Intifada (Dec. 9, 1987) until the end of January 2002

7 Current Status, Recent Events Many suicide bombings have also taken place in retaliation of Israelis oppressive occupation.

8 Analysis, Recent Flare-Ups Reasons of Conflict Blatant Racism against non-Jews ID cards Land use in Israel Non-Jews simply cannot live; they cannot rent a house or an apartment, or even an open business. The Balfour Declaration Malcolm X stated, “…the Zionist argument to justify Israel’s present occupation of Arab Palestine has no intelligent or legal history.” Bernard Sabella stated, “714,000 were forced to leave their homes in 1948, these included 50,000 Christians.”

9 Analysis, Recent Flare-Ups Israeli operations in the West Bank “Destroy the Palestinian terrorist infrastructure". Reports from inside the Israeli-occupied towns suggest that the civilian infrastructure - roads, water pipes and the electricity supply - is also being badly damaged, or destroyed, by the actions of the Israeli Defense Force (BBC) I've seen tanks roll straight over cars and destroy walls for no apparent reason. Many homes and buildings are shot through with bullet and shell holes Adam Shapiro, US citizen in Ramallah

10 Analysis, Recent Flare-Ups More than 200 Palestinians have been killed from the Israeli offensive operation. US secretary calls for immediate withdrawal “The world is watching and Israel needs to end this pitiless assault on civilian refugee camps.” -Peter Hansen (UN official)

11 Previous Attempts Oslo Accords In 1994 between Yasser Arafat and Yitzhak Rabin Israel and Palestine compromised Failure

12 Previous Attempts Camp David Objective: negotiate a final settlement U.S. President Clinton, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak came together. Ended in a huge failure

13 Previous Attempts Saudi Peace Plan Israel is required to withdraw from all the territories seized in 1967 West Bank, Gaza, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights In return, the Arab states would have to offer normal diplomatic relations with Israel and recognize Israel as a state.

14 Prediction The future of the Palestine Israel conflict is getting worse as time proceeds Sharon’s tactics: Toughening up Israeli military Israelis and Palestinians cannot find peace alone

15 Prediction Countries will finally realize that Palestinians are not the only problem People will realize that the oppressed civilians in Palestine are not terrorists AMERICA must stop taking the side of Israel THESE ARE NOT TERRORISTS One protestor even stated, “I am Jewish and I want Israel to stop killing Palestinians.”

16 Solution First step: New leaders Sharon the Murderer Sharon was in charge of the massacres in Sabra and Shatila refugee camps which claimed the lives of at least 2,750 civilians. Sharon was in charge of the massacre in the West Bank village of Qibya "In August 1971 alone, troops under Mr. Sharon's command destroyed some 2,000 homes in the Gaza Strip.

17 Solution Yasser Arafat Dictatorial Style of Leadership Refusal of sharing Power In the past Arafat led the PLO in hijacking airliners and committing other acts of violence. “Horrible Negotiator and Organizer.” (BBC)

18 Solution Second step: Jerusalem as an International city The city should be open to ANYONE

19 Solution Third step: Making two states Two states Both sides should come together to negotiate and compromise Fourth step: Implementation Help of outside Powers

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