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Meeting in Wales 2013 Most of all members. Meeting in Wales 2013 Working meal in Cardiff.

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Presentation on theme: "Meeting in Wales 2013 Most of all members. Meeting in Wales 2013 Working meal in Cardiff."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meeting in Wales 2013 Most of all members

2 Meeting in Wales 2013 Working meal in Cardiff

3 Meeting in Wales 2013 Carleon Endowed Primary School

4 Meeting in Wales 2013 In the floor of school

5 Meeting in Wales 2013 Presentations

6 Meeting in Wales 2013 Feast of books – 4 houses like in Hogwarts

7 Meeting in Wales 2013 Gifts from guests

8 Meeting in Wales 2013 Mathematics in 3rd class

9 Meeting in Wales 2013 Competition of talents on St. David‘s day

10 Meeting in Wales 2013 A poem dressed in Welsh clothes

11 Meeting in Wales 2013 Pupils playing various instruments

12 Meeting in Wales 2013 We all dressed in the colours of Wales

13 Meeting in Wales 2013 The mine museum „Big Pit“

14 Meeting in Wales 2013 Over the earth again

15 Meeting in Wales 2013 A big miners sculpture (the thing in the background)

16 Meeting in Wales 2013 In the Roman museum

17 Meeting in Wales 2013 Our slaves in a role game

18 Meeting in Wales 2013 Roman Legion – with German help

19 Meeting in Wales 2013 Cardiff Bay – they stole the Berlin townhall

20 Meeting in Wales 2013 A wooden ghost and his breakfast (in front of the hotel)

21 Meeting in Wales 2013 Dragon and Lovespoon – famous in Wales

22 Meeting in Wales 2013 Goodbye to the hotel

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