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Published byJeffery Barton Modified over 9 years ago
D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 Coding sequence 464AA D2A 443,400AA 400AA 387AA 477AA D2B 414AA Chromosome 5q31-q34 11q22-q23 3q13.3 11p 4p16.3 Highest density Neostriatum Neostriatum Paleostriatum Medulla Hypothalamus Frontal cortex Hippocampus Pituitary No Yes No ? No DA neuron(A9,10) No Yes Yes ? ? Affinity for DA micromolar micromolar nanomolar submicromolar submicromolar Agonist SKF-38393 Bromocriptine 7-OH-DPAT ? SKF-38393 Antagonist SCH-23390 Haloperidol UH 232 clozapine SCH-23390 Adenylyl cyclase stimulate inhibit ? inhibit stimulate AA release potentiate stimulate ? ? ? 도파민 수용체
세로토닌 수용체 Superfamily G-protein coupled Ion channel Family Serotonin Subfamily 5-HT1 5-HT2 5-HT4 5-HT3 Subtypes 5-HT1A 5-HT2A 5-HT? 5-HT1B 5-HT2C 5-HT1D Second decrease PI increase ligand gated Messenger cAMP hydrolysis cAMP Ion channel
무스카린 수용체 Molecular subtype m1 m2 m3 m4 m5 Pharmacological subtype M1 M2 M3 M4 - Tissue distribution brain heart exocrine brain brain grand exorcrine brain brain gland smooth smooth brain muscle Biochemical response IP3 cAMP IP3 cAMP IP3 Selective antagonist Pirenzepine Telenzepeitne
니코틴 수용체 Ligand binding Subtype distribution Region Nicotine BgT a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 b2 b3 b4 Forebrain Cortex +++ ++ ++ +++ + + + Hippocampus +++ + ++ ++ +++ ++ ++ Thalamus +++ ++ +++ ++ + +++ ++ ++ Hypothalamus + +++ + + ++ + + Amygdala ++ ++ + + Septum ++ ++ + + Brainstem Motor nuclei ++ +++ + ++ + ++ LC ++ ++ +++ + ++ + IPN +++ +++ +++ + + ++ ++ ++ Cerebellum + + ++ + ++ a1,b1 muscle type a=alpha, b=beta
NMDA 수용체
GABA 수용체
GABA A -benzodiazepine receptor complex
NH2 COOH 113 204 207 -adrenoceptor adenylate cyclase GTP Fig 13. G-protein coupled receptor and G-protein G- 단백질 배위자 수용체 전달기 효과기
G 단백질
G 단백질 효과기 n Adenylate & guanylate cyclase n Phospholipase C & A 2 n Phosphodiesterase n K+ & Ca++ channels n Others
Adenylate Guanylate Phospho- Phospho- cyclase cyclase lipase C lipase A2 cAMP cGMP IP3 DG AA Ca++ Eicosanoids PKA PKG PKC Cellular responses
Cell membraine Neurotransmitters receptors G Protein kinase A Ca/Cam Kinase Protein Kinase C Tyrosine Kinase Nucleus IEGs AC cAMP PLC IP3,Ca PLC DG PLA2 AAs(Arachidonic acids) 이차전령
ATP cAMP PKA R PIP2 R ACPLC 5-HT2A 5-HT1A DG PKC Calmodulin dependent PK IEG Structural gene c-fos IP3 IP2IP1 I Fig 14. Major signal transduction pathways 신경신호전달계 1
Fig 15. Tyrosine kinase signaling P P P P P P Grb Sos Ras GTP GDP Raf MAPKK MAPK Mitogen-activated protein kinase Transcrition factor phosphorylation Gene transcription protein synthesis Receptor tyrosine kinase 신경신호전달계 II
Protein Kinase A
The phospholipase C
Arach idonic acids 와 Eicosanoids
Arachdonic acids 와 Eicosanoids
R Gs AC R Gq PLC cAMP IP3 PKA Ca++ dependent protein kinase CREB BDNF & trkB Neurotrophic factor trk Sos Grb RAS Raf MAP kinase kinase MAP kinase Protein kinases Synaptic regeneration/remodeling
세포 반응 Rapid mediatory process activation / inhibition of ion channels Short-term mediatory process general metabolism neurotransmitter synthesis/release receptor sensitivity membrane potential short-term memory Long-term mediatory process(via gene expression) Synthesis of channel, receptor, second messenger Synaptogenesis Learning and memory
도파민 : 정신분열병, 기분장애 파킨슨병 추체외로증상 항정신병약물 작용기전 약물중독 노르에피네프린 기분장애 공황장애 공포 항우울제 작용기전 세로토닌 불안, 우울증 항우울제 작용기전 아세틸콜린 기억장애 알쯔하이머병 GABA 간질 신경안정제 작용기전 NMDA 학습과 기억 정신분열병 신경독성과 세포사망 엔도르핀 통증, 기분, 보상
신경가소성 : 뇌의 적응 환경 ( 경험 ) 과 뇌
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