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OVERALL CAMPAIGN & ADVOCACY APPROACH: Utilize apparent openings and public expectation of change to push for genuine reforms. This includes actions & pressure.

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Presentation on theme: "OVERALL CAMPAIGN & ADVOCACY APPROACH: Utilize apparent openings and public expectation of change to push for genuine reforms. This includes actions & pressure."— Presentation transcript:

1 OVERALL CAMPAIGN & ADVOCACY APPROACH: Utilize apparent openings and public expectation of change to push for genuine reforms. This includes actions & pressure to increase the effectiveness of activists working in the country to widen space & push for genuine reforms Turn lies into truth: Make them do the nice things they claim

2 OVERALL CAMPAIGN & ADVOCACY APPROACH: Genuine Reforms = Legislative, institutional & policy reforms (political, economic, security) to ensure that all people will be able to assert their civil, political, economic, social & cultural rights economic, social & cultural rights RSM 2012 RANGOON

3 OVERALL CAMPAIGN & ADVOCACY APPROACH: STILL URGENTLY NEEDED 1. Immediate & unconditional release of ALL political prisoners (& remedy) 2. Nation-wide ceasefire & troop withdrawal leading to sustainable peace - an end to attacks, including sexual violence, on ethnic communities (& remedy). 3. Inclusive dialogue

4 Set the benchmarks for reform consistent with “best-practice” transitions & international laws, taking into account Burma’s context: Set the benchmarks for reform consistent with “best-practice” transitions & international laws, taking into account Burma’s context: Rule of Law Rule of Law Economic Economic Political – including political aspirations of ethnic nationalities Political – including political aspirations of ethnic nationalities Security Security DEFINE MEASURES OF REFORM PRIOR TO LAWS BEING INTRODUCED BY NAYPYIDAW

5 Cross-cutting principles (how do we link) DEVELOPMENT, PEACE PROCESS & NATIONAL RECONCILIATION DEVELOPMENT, PEACE PROCESS & NATIONAL RECONCILIATION ACCOUNTABILITY, JUSTICE & rights of victims ACCOUNTABILITY, JUSTICE & rights of victims ETHNIC ASPIRATIONS ETHNIC ASPIRATIONS RIGHTS OF WOMEN, MINORITIES, LGBT RIGHTS OF WOMEN, MINORITIES, LGBT ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENT All reforms should be assessed against this criteria! All reforms should be assessed against this criteria! Incorporate at least 1 of 4 doors to accountability in ALL campaigns   where possible!  

6 IMPUNITY, ACCOUNTABILITY & LINK TO JUSTICE Reforms to halt & prevent recurrence of impunity are essential prerequisites of genuine national reconciliation. This includes accountability and justice for victims. These measures are important evidence of commitment to reform and needed to ensure there is enduring peace. Reforms to halt & prevent recurrence of impunity are essential prerequisites of genuine national reconciliation. This includes accountability and justice for victims. These measures are important evidence of commitment to reform and needed to ensure there is enduring peace. Tools/Justification: (Intl laws, UNSC resolutions, ILO). EU priority for ICC Tools/Justification: (Intl laws, UNSC resolutions, ILO). EU priority for ICC Ensure that crimes against ethnic communities have a higher profile. This is also linked to impunity and crimes such as forced displacement from conflict and damaging development. An important focus is crimes targeting women and/or children. Ensure that crimes against ethnic communities have a higher profile. This is also linked to impunity and crimes such as forced displacement from conflict and damaging development. An important focus is crimes targeting women and/or children.

7 The CoI Campaign: Adopt a Voldemort Strategy? Continue the CoI campaign without saying “CoI” Continue the CoI campaign without saying “CoI” 1. Actively maintain focus on serious crimes and impunity incl ethnic, women, children 2. Support efforts in Burma to build understanding of problems incl serious crimes and CoI as a solution 3. Generate & publicize domestic support for campaign, including victims’ voices 4. Highlight the 4 doors as part of the solution Passively support calls for CoI by key stakeholders, eg Quintana Passively support calls for CoI by key stakeholders, eg Quintana Reactivate push for CoI at “the right time” i.e. when there are enough key stakeholders (incl victims) actively calling for it. (CoI is a door ie Truth seeking measure) Reactivate push for CoI at “the right time” i.e. when there are enough key stakeholders (incl victims) actively calling for it. (CoI is a door ie Truth seeking measure) “Right time” = big crackdown “Right time” = big crackdown  

8 RULE OF LAW Rule of law, including law reforms & institutional and policy changes to guarantee independence & impartiality of the judiciary are essential. Rule of law, including law reforms & institutional and policy changes to guarantee independence & impartiality of the judiciary are essential. Law reforms include changes to ensure that laws and procedures to implement and enforce laws are in compliance with international standards intended to ensure protection of human rights as well as equal and equitable access to justice. Law reforms include changes to ensure that laws and procedures to implement and enforce laws are in compliance with international standards intended to ensure protection of human rights as well as equal and equitable access to justice. Tools/Justification: (UNSG report to SC on Rule of Law & TJ) Tools/Justification: (UNSG report to SC on Rule of Law & TJ)

9 FREEDOM OF REMAINING POLITICAL PRISONERS To include those imprisoned under political charges and/or politically-motivated charges (eg immigration act). This also means establishing rule of law and removal of repressive laws To include those imprisoned under political charges and/or politically-motivated charges (eg immigration act). This also means establishing rule of law and removal of repressive laws (obviously NO MORE NEW political prisoners and/or recycling of old ones) (obviously NO MORE NEW political prisoners and/or recycling of old ones) Reinstatement of professional status & civil & political rights incl passport Reinstatement of professional status & civil & political rights incl passport Access to physical & mental rehab Access to physical & mental rehab International access to prisons to establish details, condition & location of pps International access to prisons to establish details, condition & location of pps

10 1. CAPACITY BUILDING INSIDE THE BORDER. 2. EMPOWERING GROUPS INSIDE. 3. CROSS-BORDER & DOMESTIC ORG. LINKAGE. Many cross-border programs have already established the human infrastructure, incl trust and relationships, to implement programs. Some of these programs are already running and merely need support to scale up and expand. This would be a more sensible, efficient, empowering and cost-effective strategy. Many cross-border programs have already established the human infrastructure, incl trust and relationships, to implement programs. Some of these programs are already running and merely need support to scale up and expand. This would be a more sensible, efficient, empowering and cost-effective strategy. Border-based groups already delivering effective, relevant & participatory trainings and capacity-building programs to people from central & border Burma. Need more support to scale up & transmit more broadly. Border-based groups already delivering effective, relevant & participatory trainings and capacity-building programs to people from central & border Burma. Need more support to scale up & transmit more broadly. Support programs & campaigns for ratification of intl hr treaties & Rome statute Support programs & campaigns for ratification of intl hr treaties & Rome statute Assistance of Asian civil society in delivery “inside” & conducting exposure to “outside” also important Assistance of Asian civil society in delivery “inside” & conducting exposure to “outside” also important

11 BUSINESS ACCOUNTABILITY & ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE 1.Benchmarks and conditions supporting implementation and compliance of benchmarks/conditions must be met (BEWG to flesh out) – extractive, manufacturing, 2.Conditions that are listed will help us decide whether certain forms of investment/projects are acceptable or not. (i.e. conditions are not in place/implementation limited/conditions broken) PRR + FPIC + Genuine EIA & SIA & HRIA = purrf pic ia!!! PRR + FPIC + Genuine EIA & SIA & HRIA = purrf pic ia!!! 1.NO extractive industries, energy projects, SEZ in conflict areas 2.NO arms (weapons) trade Foreign and local businesses must exercise due diligence to ensure they comply with international human rights & environmental standards AND are not linked to human rights violations, including serious crimes. Foreign and local businesses must exercise due diligence to ensure they comply with international human rights & environmental standards AND are not linked to human rights violations, including serious crimes. Laws must be reformed to meet international standards and ensure accountability in this context. Laws must be reformed to meet international standards and ensure accountability in this context.

12 AID, DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE & ECONOMIC ENGAGEMENT (sanctions) 1.Aid & engagement should be oriented to achievement of genuine reforms, equitable access and community empowerment 2.Exchange rate, lack of economic & governance reforms will limit effectiveness of investment

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