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PHYSICAL EDUCATION Objective P1. Ensure that students are moderately to vigorously active at least 50 percent of the time in all physical education classes.

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Presentation on theme: "PHYSICAL EDUCATION Objective P1. Ensure that students are moderately to vigorously active at least 50 percent of the time in all physical education classes."— Presentation transcript:

1 PHYSICAL EDUCATION Objective P1. Ensure that students are moderately to vigorously active at least 50 percent of the time in all physical education classes.

2 Moderate to Vigorous Moderately to vigorously active means engaging in physical activity equal in intensity to or more strenuous than fast walking. At least 50 percent of the time means at least half of the total time for a physical education class session.

3 Professional Development Offer professional development for physical education teachers focused on strategies to increase the time students are moderately to vigorously active. Improved teacher quantity and quality of instruction effects sustainability.

4 Over 100 hours of Professional Development Opportunities Professional development related to specific curriculum content offered throughout the school year on Monday evenings. Three Day DPS Summer Institute hosts the National Physical Education Teachers of the Year who provide training for DPS and physical education teachers statewide. Physical Education for Progress (PEP Grant) training provides training for all K-5, and K-8 physical education teachers completed by summer 2013. Fitness for Life training, as part of the Sound Body Sound Mind grant impacts teachers at 6-12 and high school level.

5 DPS Physical Education Curriculum DPS Curriculum is designed to meet the requirement of 50 % moderate to vigorous physical activity. Denver Public Schools Physical Education Curriculum meets Colorado and National Standards for Physical Education.

6 PHYSICAL EDUCATION Objective P2. Implement a policy prohibiting substitution* of physical education and recess time for classroom make-up work, behavior issues, and programs with content other than physical education. At the elementary level, *prohibit substitution means that the school does not allow students to be pulled from physical education class or recess as an intervention for not completing classroom work or as a punishment for inappropriate behavior.

7 At the secondary level, *prohibit substitution means that the school does not schedule presentations or curricula other than fitness and physical education- related ones during physical education time (i.e., prevention of substance use or suicide). Presentations by entities other than PE/dance teachers should be offered on a rotating basis with all classrooms, not just physical education.

8 Fitness Gram Assessment Researchers analyzed FITNESSGRAM® test results from more than 2.4 million Texas students in grades 3 to 12 during the 2007–08 school year and found significant school-level correlations between physical fitness achievement and better performance on state standardized tests. Higher physical fitness achievement also was associated with better school attendance rates and fewer disciplinary incidents involving drugs, alcohol, violence or truancy. Associations were stronger for cardiovascular fitness than for measures of body mass index (BMI), but the patterns were consistent. The analyses controlled for potential confounding variables, such as socioeconomic status, minority status and school size, that could influence the correlations. The study is currently in review, and as of August 2009, these data were unpublished.42

9 PHYSICAL ACTIVITY Objective P3. Ensure that at least 50 percent of students will participate in school-sponsored extracurricular or community-based activities that include physical activity.

10 SPARK Sports, Play, and Active Recreation for Kids curriculum emphases active engagement in physical activity and participation of all students. It offers developmentally appropriate instruction in a large variety of sports, skills and fitness activities.

11 DPS Physical Education Curriculum Supports Academic Achievement Increases moderate to vigorous physical activity in students (to over 50% of class time) Fitness achievement (as measured by the FitnessGram test) Provides successful experiences for all students

12 Fitness for Life: Middle School provides a foundation for students to be physically active and fit throughout their whole lives. This middle school version of the award-winning high school text Fitness for Life meets the new NASPE National Physical Education Standards and state standards, and it is an ideal companion to the FITNESSGRAM/ACTIVITYGRAM assessment program. This book includes everything that made the original Fitness for Life one of the most widely used and respected high school texts. In addition, Fitness for Life: Middle School follows the IDEA formula: I = Integrates with other academic areas (e.g., math, science, language arts) D = Developmentally appropriate for middle school students E = Educationally and pedagogically sound A = Articulates with the high school level Fitness for Life

13 Fitness for life curriculum from…wrap around

14 Studies have shown that children having one or more daily recess periods of greater than fifteen minutes is associated with better teacher reported classroom behavior.

15 Schools have the potential to influence habitual physical activity among children by encouraging increased participation in extracurricular spot activities, by favoring active commuting to school, and by providing exercise equipment and supervision for youth in their neighborhoods.

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