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Twins: Nature’s Clones The article showing how similar twins are. Reporter: 黃鈺筌.

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Presentation on theme: "Twins: Nature’s Clones The article showing how similar twins are. Reporter: 黃鈺筌."— Presentation transcript:

1 Twins: Nature’s Clones The article showing how similar twins are. Reporter: 黃鈺筌


3 Twins are Nature clone Twins are brothers or sisters who have the same DNA. They may look the same. If you don’t know them well, you may not identify them. People always think Twins are acting just like each other, and the article presented is seem to be have the same viewpoint.

4 Discussion Have you met twins? How do you feel?  amazed, shocked, interested or nothing special?

5 Word bank plump shiver up the spine miscarried auburn squeamish velvet prod dental caries

6 Word bank ophthalmologist Telepathy pervasive canoe tonic vademecum vitalis  vis vitalis

7 Word bank identicals fraternal irrepressible nanosecond infidelity

8 First paragraph The 58-year-old woman called Barbara Herbert seated alone onstage at the opening of the Maury Povich with her twin sister Daphne Goodship, who she met 18 years ago. They were separated into British families after their single mother killed herself.

9 Maury Povich Show The show host is Maury Povich The show series started at 1991 It is a kind of talk show. The Common show themes are teenage pregnancy, sexual infidelity, paternity test…And they invited special people to their show.


11 Question How old were the twin sisters when they met each other? How about their appearance? Please describe.

12 Second paragraph Their concordances are so many, including they grew up in towns outside London, left school at 14, fell down stairs and weakened their ankles, went to work in local government…and so on. They have been studied for years at the university of Minnesota’s Center for twin and adoption.


14 University of Minnesota

15 Discussion Have you told by others that another guy is very similar to you? How do you feel?

16 Third paragraph Two women were discovered both had the same healthy problems. In fact, the genetic influence is pervasive across most domains tested. Another set of twins used the same brand subjects when they first met. Other pairs have the same hobbies. Twins act as the same, while fraternal twins positions hands and arms differently.

17 Question Do you know what is different between fraternal twins and identical twins?

18 Fraternal twins While identical twins have the same DNA, fraternal twins are only share the same half DNA from their mother’s eggs. Their eggs are fertilized by two different sperms. There are two thirds of twins are fraternal twins.

19 Fourth paragraph Bouchard, the founder of this research, recalled the experience of observation of twins who met each other at first sight. He think their conversation was an incredible thing that there were no pause between the words.

20 Minneapolis

21 Question Is “It’s like we’ve known for each other all our life ” a science proof about DNA control everything of a person? Why or why not?

22 Discussion After reading this article, do you think there are lots of similarities between twins, or they are just different people?

23 Discussion Many people say that twins have the ability to telepathy each other or they have extrasensory perception (ESP). Do you believe this?

24 How twins mean to the science Twins are regarded to be the pure sample to the research about medicine, psychology and physical tests, many theories…Because their DNA are the same, so they are the best people to observe. How do you think about this fact?

25 Famous twins? Can you guess who they are? Richard and Raymond Gutierrez Movie Lahing Pikutin, Feel na Feel


27 Am I cute?

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