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Consider The Lilies - Mathew 6:25-34 Intro: D Refrain: D Em A D Consider the lilies of the field, G A D They neither toil nor spin G A F#m Bm Yet I tell.

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Presentation on theme: "Consider The Lilies - Mathew 6:25-34 Intro: D Refrain: D Em A D Consider the lilies of the field, G A D They neither toil nor spin G A F#m Bm Yet I tell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Consider The Lilies - Mathew 6:25-34 Intro: D Refrain: D Em A D Consider the lilies of the field, G A D They neither toil nor spin G A F#m Bm Yet I tell you that even Solomon Em A D Was not arrayed like these. 1 of 9

2 G Em 1. What shall we eat, Lord? A D What shall we drink? A E A What shall we put on today? Em A Is not life more than food, G A D A The body more than clothes? 2 of 9

3 Refrain: D Em A D Consider the lilies of the field, G A D They neither toil nor spin G A F#m Bm Yet I tell you that even Solomon Em A D Was not arrayed like these. 3 of 9

4 G Em A D 2. The birds of the air don’t toil nor reap, A E A Yet our good Father feeds them Em A Are you not of more worth G A D A In the eyes of God? 4 of 9

5 Refrain: D Em A D Consider the lilies of the field, G A D They neither toil nor spin G A F#m Bm Yet I tell you that even Solomon Em A D Was not arrayed like these. 5 of 9

6 G Em A D 3. If God so clothes the grass of the field, A E A Which is alive and then burned. Em A Will the Lord not much more G A D A Give clothes to His children? 6 of 9

7 Refrain: D Em A D Consider the lilies of the field, G A D They neither toil nor spin G A F#m Bm Yet I tell you that even Solomon Em A D Was not arrayed like these. 7 of 9

8 G Em A D 4. Do not be anxious for tomorrow. A E A Let each day’s trouble suffice. Em A Seek first His kingdom, G A D A And all things will be yours. 8 of 9

9 Refrain: D Em A D Consider the lilies of the field, G A D They neither toil nor spin G A F#m Bm Yet I tell you that even Solomon Em A D Was not arrayed like these. (Repeat refrain) 9 of 9

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