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A Presentation by Rachael Stanley. Epigenetics  Phenotypic Changes  No change in DNA’s Primary Structure  Can be Heritable.

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Presentation on theme: "A Presentation by Rachael Stanley. Epigenetics  Phenotypic Changes  No change in DNA’s Primary Structure  Can be Heritable."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Presentation by Rachael Stanley

2 Epigenetics  Phenotypic Changes  No change in DNA’s Primary Structure  Can be Heritable

3 How?  DNA methylation  Histone Modification

4 Studying Twins  Monozygotic Twin Boys  Diagnosis of XLT and WAS  Different Phenotypes Symptomatic (Twin A) vs. Asymptomatic (Twin B)

5 Results  Methylation of CpG islands  Transcription of WAS Protein  Why the difference?

6 The Future  “Epigenome”  Heterogeneity of Phenotypes  Autoimmune Disease  Epigenetic Therapeutics

7 Works Cited  Buchbinder, D, K Nadeau, and D Nugent. "Monozygotic Twin Pair Showing Discordant Phenotype for X-linked Thrombocytopenia and Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome: a Role for Epigenetics?." Journal of Clinical Immunology. 5 (2011): 773-7. Web. 22 Mar. 2012.  DNA Methylation and Histone Modification. 2009. Graphic. ConnexionsWeb. 21 Mar 2012..  Luong, L.. "Basic Principles of Genetics." Connexions. Vietnam Open Course Ware, 02072009. Web. 21 Mar 2012..  Little Known Facts About Twins. 2012. Photograph. Everyday HealthWeb. 21 Mar 2012..  Getty Images. How Much is at Stake with your Dietary Choices?. 2011. Photograph. How Stuff Works. 22 Mar 2012..  United States. National Library of Medicine. Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome. 2012. Web..  United States. Department of Health and Human Services. What is Thrombocytopenia?. 2010. Web..

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