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Ocean Life: The REAL Finding Nemo.

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Presentation on theme: "Ocean Life: The REAL Finding Nemo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ocean Life: The REAL Finding Nemo.
Kate Burke 3rd Grade Kate Burke

2 Clown Fish: Nemo and Marlon
They live in Anemones in the ocean They eat the remains of fish that get into their homes that are killed by the anemones They prefer to live in warm waters Kate Burke

3 Sharks: Bruce Sharks like to eat alone, but sometimes other sharks come around and they can sometimes bite at each other. Sharks use their scent to find prey Their favorite food is meat Kate Burke

4 Sea Turtle: Squirt and Crush
Most sea turtles like to eat plants and animals. They like to live in warm seas Sea Turtles live to be about 80 years old! Kate Burke

5 Regal Tang: Dory Fish like Dory LOVE to eat plants. In fact that’s all she will eat. You can find Regal Tangs in the Pacific Ocean by California They can be about 30 centimeters but can reach up to a foot long! Kate Burke

6 Spotted Eagle Ray: Mr. Ray
The spotted eagle ray is in the open ocean not at the bottom of the ocean You can find them around Florida They eat Clams, oysters, shrimp, octopus, squid and sea urchins Kate Burke

7 Starfish: Peach They like to eat muscles, clams and oysters or sponges and coral. Starfish move by using the one hundred tube feet they have. They kind of act as suction cups They have 5 Rays which look like their legs. Kate Burke

8 Moorish Idol: Gill This type of fish can grow to be 24 centimeters long They like to travel in pairs or in large schools of fish They like to eat plants and some types of shrimp Kate Burke

9 Octopus: Pearl and Ted Can grow to be about 10 meters long! That’s BIG! They have an ink sac they use to darken the water when they feel scared. They can eat animals and plants Kate Burke

10 Pelicans: Nigel They like to eat fish. They take their big beak and put it into the water to grab the fish. Pelicans like people. They can live about 30 years! Kate Burke

11 Lets Play a GAME! Play Tic Tac Toe with Sea life Memory Game
When you get to the page click what background you want and what animal you want then begin to play! Memory Game When you get to the website click on the Easy game and begin to play! Kate Burke

12 Homework Time! You need to get construction paper from me to take home and make your own ocean using some of the fish we learned about today! Listen to this and we will play this tomorrow to open up science class. I'm a Sea Star Song : Click play to hear the music!! Kate Burke

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