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Carry Nation Important member of the temperance movement Used vandalism to promote her views Smashed kegs of beer with a hatchet Her husbands death from.

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2 Carry Nation Important member of the temperance movement Used vandalism to promote her views Smashed kegs of beer with a hatchet Her husbands death from too much alcohol motivated her actions

3 Frances Willard- Temperance Movement American educator and reformer Secretary of Women’s Temperance Christians Union (WTCU) She established a temperance hospital Frances_Willard_(suffragist) Clip Art

4 Ida Tarbell 1- exposed ruthless competitive practices and misuse of natural resources. 2-In 1906, dissatisfied with Samuel S. McClure's management, she, Lincoln Steffens, and more establish the American Magazine to expose standard oil. 3-became famous as a muckraker through her well-documented articles on political and corporate corruption in McClure's Magazine and American Magazine. Work cited:

5 This group of African Americans was founded in 1905, and was first led by W.E.B. Dubois. The NAACP was associated with increasing the rights of African Americans. They demanded full rights for Blacks, and sought legal action in equal employment, housing, voting and education. The NAACP also fought for antidiscrimination conduct, held voting registration drives, and research activities for Blacks. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

6 Theodore Roosevelt used a thing called trust busting to break up many trusts and monopolies. In 1998 the Industrial Commission was appointed on trusts The Industrial Commission was a U.S. body that investigated monopolies and their sales and tried to destroy them. By: Sam Cicero

7 W.E.B. DuBois He studied in Berlin and later returned to America to receive his PhD at Harvard. He created the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) which helped in increasing the rights of African Americans. The NAACP focused mainly on court cases to help in gaining rights for African-Americans and also worked to end segregation in schools. Born February 23 rd 1868, Died August 27 th 1963

8 Improved southern farms by using his knowledge of agriculture Conducted research for uses of sweet potatoes and peanuts and found many uses Helped liberate the south from dependence on cotton Increasing the Rights of African Americans

9 The Sherman Antitrust Act was associated with Trusts and Monopolies. It was created to prohibit trusts and monopolies. It was the first law to deal with monopolies. It was ineffective at first in Supreme Court Decisions.

10 Thomas Nast: Thomas Nast: Corruption In Cities Was one of the earliest political cartoonists. Immigrated to the U.S. from Bavaria in 1846. Well known for attacking William “Boss” Tweed in his Harpers Weekly cartoons. Came up with the idea for the elephant representing Republicans and popularized the donkey for the Democrats.

11 Elizabeth Cady Stanton Most associated with women's rights. Also had a part in abolition, and temperance movement. Elizabeth met Lucretia Mott and Susan B. Anthony and formed the “Seneca Falls Convention” (July 19-20, 1848) Stanton read “Declaration of Sentiments”; which was just like the Declaration of Independence, but for women, showing their rights. Elizabeth was the first president of the NWSA* (1869), which pressed for a constitutional amendment guaranteeing universal suffrage. *National Woman Suffrage Association http://commons.w File:Elizabeth_Cady_Stanton.jpg

12 Gifford Pinchot Founded the School of Forestry at Yale Founded the National Conservation Association, preserving national parks Expanded the nations forest reserve through the Waterpower Act, which gave the government the power to control power companies Image from:

13 In 1911 was hired by the Child Labor Committee Used his camera to prove child labor. Published photos of child labor in 1932 in the book “ Kids at Work” 1874-1940 CHILD LABOR

14 Theodore Roosevelt's approach to social problems First used in 1902 Wanted to increase control of railroads Used to increase peaceful relations between large business and labor unions osevelt

15 Upton Sinclair Meat Packing Factories The Jungle Upton was a magnificent journalist. He wrote The Jungle witch told the world about the horrible ways of the meat packing companies. Upon Writing his story he happened to get the government to create the federal pure food laws.

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