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Unit 5 Look at the monkeys Part A. Read and write 璜田小学 程选子.

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1 Unit 5 Look at the monkeys Part A. Read and write 璜田小学 程选子

2 What is the rabbit doing? Let’s play a guessing game!

3 It’s jumping. What is the rabbit doing?

4 What is it doing?

5 It’s walking. What is it doing?


7 It’s singing. What is it doing?


9 It’s dancing. What is it doing?





14 Ask and answer What’s the … doing? It’s …

15 Ask and answer 1.Where are they talking? A in the park B in the zoo A in the park B in the zoo 2 、完成课文 60 页第一题。

16 完成分层练习(一) 阅读课文第 60 页选择。 (A 组) Look at the monkey. It’s _______ bananas. _______ hungry. The baby kangaroo _____ so cute. It’s________. The mother ________ is _________. I love________. The elephant is _____________ with its trunk. 阅读课文第 60 页判断对错。( C/B 组) ( )1. The monkey is eating bananas. ( )2. The baby kangaroo is so hungry. ( )3. The baby kangaroo is jumping. ( )4.The mother kangaroo is sleeping. ( )5.The elephant is drinking water with its trunk. × √ × × √ √ is sleepingjumping elephants drinking water eating It’s kangaroo cute sleeping jumping

17 Answer the questions 1. What’s the mother kangaroo doing? ______________________________. 2.What’s the baby kangaroo doing? _____________________________. 3._____________________________? It’s drinking water. She’s jumping. It’s sleeping. What’s the elephant doing?

18 The elephant is drinking water with its trunk.

19 Retell the dialogue( 复述对话) Look at ______. It’s _______. It’s hungry. The_____ is so _____.It’s________. The mother ________ is _________. I love________. The elephant is _____________ with its trunk. Look at the monkey. __________. _______ hungry. The baby kangaroo _______.It’s________. The mother kangaroo_______________. I love________. _____________ with its trunk. Monkey bananasbaby kangaroo Mother kangarooelephant C组C组 B组B组 A组A组

20 Look at the duck, what is it doing? It is swimming. Look at the, what is … doing? It is. Look at the, what is … doing? It is. Look at the, what is … doing? It is. Look at the, _____________?.( 完成最后一行的填空) Let’s make a chant ! rabbitWhat is it doing It’s running

21 Welcome to the zoo! First let me show you the tigers. A tiger is a kind of catamount animal. It looks like a cat, but much bigger than a cat. It has yellow and black streaks all over its body. Tigers like to eat meat. Look! They are eating now. They are very strong, so I think you would like them! Then look at the peacocks. They are dancing happily. They are very beautiful and you can take photos with them. Look! There is a monkey over there. What’s it doing? It’s counting bananas. It’s very clever. Can you see any pandas? They are playing balls. They are so cute. 阅读完成练习(划关键词句)

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