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Mobile Multimedia for business VMA 2001. OrangeMIB – VMA 2001 2 Orange and Mobile Multimedia : already 18 months ! Mobile Internet for Business Mobile.

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Presentation on theme: "Mobile Multimedia for business VMA 2001. OrangeMIB – VMA 2001 2 Orange and Mobile Multimedia : already 18 months ! Mobile Internet for Business Mobile."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mobile Multimedia for business VMA 2001

2 OrangeMIB – VMA 2001 2 Orange and Mobile Multimedia : already 18 months ! Mobile Internet for Business Mobile Intranet for Business Mobile Information for Business

3 OrangeMIB – VMA 2001 3 Communication streams within the enterprise Corporate Information System Orange Business Solution CustomersPartners Employees B to C B to E B to B Intranet ExtranetM-Commerce

4 OrangeMIB – VMA 2001 4 Usages vs applications Level of integration in the processes - + Perceived value - + Pro Contents Internal News Intranet Collect of info Store & forward mail Trade Info Mail Box Oleane, Wanadoo Directory Corporate messaging Lotus, Exchange, … Groupware Lotus, Exchange, … Vertical apps In ASP mode Intranet Dispatch of info

5 OrangeMIB – VMA 2001 5 Corporate Mobile Multimedia services by Orange Customers expectations Applications/contents Network devices Packages (device + network + access + apps) Tailored offers (network services -SMS, CSD, GPRS, UMTS - and ASP mode applications) Applications offers in trade marketing with partners (Partners Programme) QoS Customer Care End-to-end services from the mobile device to the application service :  including the interconnection to VPN  adapted to mobile technologies evolution (GSM, GPRS, UMTS, WLAN) Via « ready to use » handsets / devices To applications/contents hosted or not in the customer’s intranet The Orange answer

6 OrangeMIB – VMA 2001 6 Tailor-made services WISP Orange MIB ASP Orange MIB Orange network (GSM, GPRS, SMS, UMTS) Secured link (VPN) Orange MIB APN Dedicated APN Portal Orange MIB Corporate Intranet e-mail GW Secured link (VPN) Tailor-made services are based on : >Network solutions including trafic and access >To which value added services (applications, security, …) may be added on

7 OrangeMIB – VMA 2001 7 Tailor-made services Handsets : >Orange guarantees a selection of handsets certified to be compatible with the Orange services Trafic and management & billing tools : >A range of flat rates adapted to corporate fleets and to various intensities of usage Two access offers : >The dedicated APN enables a direct and secured interconnection to the corporate intranet >The Orange MIB WISP enables a secured access to the corporate enterprise :  simplified management of multi-terminal environment (unique set of handset parameters, gateway WAP et WEB)  multi-networks compatibilty (GSM, SMS, GPRS, UMTS, WLAN...)  enhanced access with Web boosters  enrichment of applications (location, SMS notification). Bricks of applications : >Orange develops a large range of value added services from integration of horizontal (e-mail, PIM, …) or sectoriel applications to the supplying of tailor- made middleware platform

8 OrangeMIB – VMA 2001 8 Mobile Multimedia vs Internet /Intranet Relatively weak throughputs (30 kbits GPRS, 64 - 384 kbits UMTS) New communicating devices (PDA, smartphone) Push services (SMS, MMS) Always-on services and pricing on a packet basis AIMED TO new usages WITH new devices, not only Laptop AND a complementarity with nomadic offers in the fixed

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