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Accommodation & Hospitality Services STAFF BRIEFING – No 18 Working at Height.

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Presentation on theme: "Accommodation & Hospitality Services STAFF BRIEFING – No 18 Working at Height."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accommodation & Hospitality Services STAFF BRIEFING – No 18 Working at Height

2 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Every year an average of 14 people die and a further 1200 are seriously injured at work as a result of falling from a leaning ladder or stepladder. Working at Height Why ladder safety?

3 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Working at Height – The Law Work at Height Regulations 2005 The Work at Height Regulations (2005) came into force in April 2005. Employers have a duty to assess the risks, plan and supervise all workers who work at height When can ladders be used? Ladders can be used if after assessing the risks the use of more suitable work equipment is not justified because of the low risk and short duration.

4 Accommodation & Hospitality Services 1. Daily pre-use check (feet included) 2. Ensure there is space to fully open 3. Use any locking devices 4. Ground should be firm and level 5. Floors should be clean, not slippery STEPLADDER SAFETY Setting up

5 Accommodation & Hospitality Services 1.Short duration work (maximum 10 minutes) 2.Light work (up to 10 kg) 3.Do not work off the top two steps (top three steps for swing-back/double-sided stepladders) unless you have a safe handhold on the steps 4.Avoid side-on working 5.Do not overreach – make sure your belt buckle (navel) stays within the stiles and keep both feet on the same rung or step throughout the task 6.Three points of contact when possible 7.Check all four feet are in contact with the ground. 8.Try and position stepladders with the rungs facing the work activity and not side-on, as this is less stable During Use of Step Ladders

6 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Don’t’s Throw objects down Overstretch Use steps on a wet floor or uneven surface Work in populated areas Attempt any work on electrical equipment to which you are not trained Don’t use ladders for tasks you have not been instructed to carry out Don’t use ladders not provided by the department Don’t use anything but step ladders to work at height

7 Accommodation & Hospitality Services No material or object may be thrown or tipped from height in circumstances where it is liable to cause injury to any person. All materials and objects must be stored in such a way as to prevent risk to any person arising from their collapse, overturning or unintended movement. Where the safety of work equipment depends on how it is installed or assembled it must be inspected before use. Every person shall report any activity or defect relating to work at height which is likely to endanger the safety of himself or another person. All work equipment or safety device provided for work at height must be used in accordance with any training provided. Policy – Your Responsibility

8 Accommodation & Hospitality Services NOTES/QUESTIONS

9 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Attendee List

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