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Artist Statement QR 1.Open iMovie and create a new 2.Create a movie 3.No Theme 4.Name your movie: mod#_DMA_LastName or Mod#_advDMA_LastName.

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Presentation on theme: "Artist Statement QR 1.Open iMovie and create a new 2.Create a movie 3.No Theme 4.Name your movie: mod#_DMA_LastName or Mod#_advDMA_LastName."— Presentation transcript:

1 Artist Statement QR 1.Open iMovie and create a new 2.Create a movie 3.No Theme 4.Name your movie: mod#_DMA_LastName or Mod#_advDMA_LastName

2 Open iMove

3 Artist Statement QR Choose File > New Movie

4 Artist Statement QR Choose No Theme

5 Artist Statement QR Save your file as mod#_DMA_LastName or mod#_advDMA_LastName Artist Statement QR

6 Drag and drop your recording into iMovie

7 Artist Statement QR Add a title frame: Click on Titles Add by dragging an dropping in front of your recording strip in the timeline…add your FULL NAME and TITLE OF PIECE

8 Artist Statement QR Drag and drop a still image of your piece in front of your title frame

9 Artist Statement QR Your timeline should show in order: Still image of your piece, title frame, and your artist statement recording

10 Artist Statement QR HOLD DOWN ALT and drag a copy of your title frame AFTER your artist statement recording THEN HOLD DOWN ALT and drag a copy of your Still image AFTER your title frame

11 Artist Statement QR Your final Artist Statement should have each of these elements, in THIS ORDER: Still image of your piece Title Frame Artist statement recording Title Frame Still Image of your piece

12 Artist Statement QR View a sample HEREHERE

13 Artist Statement QR To export your Artist Statement as a.mp4 Choose File > Share > File Click Next Save to your DESKTOP > click save To preview your movie, open with VLC

14 Artist Statement QR FINAL STEPS PART 1 Upload your final Artist Statement movie to YOUR Google Drive folder EMAIL Ms V with the Google Drive LINK to your movie – TODAY, DURING CLASS Include in this email: subject: mod# DMA/advDMA Last Name body: Your full name Title of your piece Link to your video in Google Drive

15 Artist Statement QR FINAL STEPS PART 1 (continued) She will upload to VIMEO and forward you the shared link – this needs to be uploaded to your PORTFOLIO page on your website PART 2 Create a QR Code for your video from the link Ms V sends back to you – must be done by class TOMORROW Instructions can be found on the website calendar

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