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Two Cultures and the Real Thing 37th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology Stockholm, Sweden, July 5-9, 2005 António Pedro Dores,

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Presentation on theme: "Two Cultures and the Real Thing 37th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology Stockholm, Sweden, July 5-9, 2005 António Pedro Dores,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Two Cultures and the Real Thing 37th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology Stockholm, Sweden, July 5-9, 2005 António Pedro Dores, CIES/ISCTE, Lisboa, 2005

2 Mainstream theoretical exclusions as subjects; not permanent social features “Violence” is thinked as pre-modern (old fashion concurrence) “Spirit” is thinked as religious concept for culture Irrational consciousness is a abnormal fact Embodiment as an exotic individual or groupal event

3 Marx´s theoretical concepts turn sociological subjects A > B A – inductive essentialist analysis Revolutionary violence Class spirit Class ideology Bottom-up politics B – deductive actionalist analysis Revolutionary technology Alienation spirit Scientific culture Participative politics

4 Durkheim´s inductive approach Holist comparative approach Taking seriously the concept of social consciousness Embodiment top-down approach: half-way

5 Weber´s people´s spirit vs deductive approach Social dimensions laborious scrutiny Spirit is a social background for status display (religious and mundane) Spirit of capitalism (as essentialist as Marxist analysis) is a neglected kind of analysis

6 Modern differentiation of states of spirit Holistic* dimensions and processes for modern life & modern dispositions Social Values Institutional Spirit Family Spirit Ideologies Morals Capitalism Spirit Politics Policy Entrepreneur boss Cognition Dogma * inductive/top-down + deductive-bottom-up + multidimentional configuration

7 Modernity & mankind tuning Different bodies and different minds tuning as multilevel societies. Everyone should be equally respected as embodiment machines (Legal liberal normative ideology). Embodiment applies differently to different dimensions & level, producing different cultures (free multi-culture cultures, WSF) How modernity come together with man kind? What are the actual meanings for freedom and equality? (bio-social approach)

8 Today´s organic solidarity (Schumpeter) Modernist creativity Warfare state Corporative culture Positive politics Modernization processes Welfare state Technocratic culture Compromise politics

9 Civilized modern macho dimentions (cf. Giddens) Personal feelings Social feelings Affection Tuning Economics Social policies Cultures Politics

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