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What are Local and Popular Cultures? Local and Popular Cultures Sustainability Diffusion Cultures in the Cultural Landscape.

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Presentation on theme: "What are Local and Popular Cultures? Local and Popular Cultures Sustainability Diffusion Cultures in the Cultural Landscape."— Presentation transcript:

1 What are Local and Popular Cultures? Local and Popular Cultures Sustainability Diffusion Cultures in the Cultural Landscape

2 Culture Culture – group of _____ systems, norms, and _____ practiced by a people. Example: Group of people who share common beliefs = _______ (in one of two ways) Folk Culture – _____, incorporates a ______geneous population, is typically ______, and cohesive in cultural traits. Popular Culture – _____, incorporates _____geneous population, is typically _____, and experiences quickly changing cultural traits. FolkPopularAll cultures fall between the two. Academics would say.

3 Local Culture Local Culture – group of people in a particular place who see themselves as a collective or a __________, who share experiences, customs, and traits, and who work to ________ those traits and customs in order to claim uniqueness and to distinguish themselves from others.

4 Local Cultures Constantly redefining or refining themselves. Also affect places – material and nonmaterial cultures. _______ Culture – things we construct. _________ Culture – beliefs, practices, aesthetics, and values of a group.

5 Popular Culture Ubiquitous and can change in a matter of days or hours. Practiced by a _______geneous group. Encompasses music, dance, clothing, food preference, religious practices, etc. Main paths of diffusion – t____________, m_________, and c________________ networks. Example: New fashion in Milan will be seen on models in Paris, then on celebrities, cover of In Style magazine, then to upscale stores, and then in the Fayette mall. In a local culture, these things are passed down from generation to generation through _______ and __________ systems.

6 Local versus Popular

7 Popular Culture ____________ Diffusion – especially with regards to the fashion industry. _________ - (point of origin) or the cases of first diffusion. This diffusion can also occur through a hierarchy of people.

8 Popular Culture Most often a product of the economically more _________ countries. Examples: popular music and fast food. Move from _________ to ________ jobs. Better technology + leisure time = music and food.

9 Local versus Popular Therefore, we do not see both as ends to a continuum. Example: Henna Political and economic forces shape and limit their practices. Global communications and transportation networks link parts of the world and distance others.

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