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Chapter 4 Nonverbal Communication. Understand the power of nonverbal communication Outline the functions of nonverbal communication Describe the communication.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 4 Nonverbal Communication. Understand the power of nonverbal communication Outline the functions of nonverbal communication Describe the communication."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 4 Nonverbal Communication

2 Understand the power of nonverbal communication Outline the functions of nonverbal communication Describe the communication symbols that are nonverbal codes Understand how technology and situation affect nonverbal behavior Chapter Objectives

3 The process of intentionally or unintentionally signaling meaning through behavior other than words Nonverbal Communication

4 Nonverbal communication is… –Communicative –Often spontaneous and unintentional –Ambiguous –More believable than verbal communication (channel discrepancy) The Nature of Nonverbal Communication

5 Reinforcing verbal messages –Repeating –Complementing –Accenting Functions of Nonverbal Communication

6 Substituting verbal messages Functions of Nonverbal Communication

7 Contradicting verbal messages Regulating interactions Functions of Nonverbal Communication

8 Creating Immediacy Deceiving Others Functions of Nonverbal Communication

9 Symbols we use to send messages without, or in addition to, words Nonverbal Codes

10 Gestures and body movements (Kinesics) –Emblems –Illustrators –Regulators –Adaptors –Affect Displays Nonverbal Codes

11 Facial expressions Nonverbal Codes

12 Eye behavior (Oculesics) Nonverbal Codes

13 Voice –Paralanguage –Vocal quality –Vocalizations Nonverbal Codes

14 Physical appearance –Attractiveness has advantages –Artifacts matter Nonverbal Codes

15 Space & Environment –Proxemics: The way we use and communicate with space Nonverbal Codes

16 Space & Environment –Territoriality: the claiming of an area through occupation Nonverbal Codes

17 Space & Environment –Environment (e.g. the lighting, layout, design, decoration, cleanliness and so on of a space) Nonverbal Codes

18 Touch (Haptics) –Functional-Professional Touch –Social-Polite Touch –Friendship-Warmth Touch –Love-Intimacy Touch –Sexual-Arousal Touch Nonverbal Codes

19 Time (Chronemics) Time orientation: personal associations with the use of time. Nonverbal Codes

20 Culture –Contact vs. noncontact cultures –Sex and gender influences Influences on Nonverbal Communication

21 Mediated Nonverbal Communication –Loss of paralinguistic cues –Emoticons Influences on Nonverbal Communication

22 The situational context –Public-private dimension –Informal-formal dimension Influences on Nonverbal Communication

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