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3/31/10. Electromagnet Fishing Derby 2010 Take out your project worksheet and complete the top section of STEP 6.

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Presentation on theme: "3/31/10. Electromagnet Fishing Derby 2010 Take out your project worksheet and complete the top section of STEP 6."— Presentation transcript:

1 3/31/10

2 Electromagnet Fishing Derby 2010 Take out your project worksheet and complete the top section of STEP 6.


4 Length of wire…YOU MAY ESTIMATE. Size (thickness/gauge) of wire…THICK, MED, THIN

5 Electromagnet Fishing Derby 2010 PROJECT PARTPOINTSDUE DATE  Fishing Pole with Magnet3 POINTSMonday, 3/8  Working Switch3 POINTSMonday, 3/15  Initial Electromagnet3 POINTSMonday, 3/22 WILL CONSTRUCT THIS IN CLASS (Do not do ahead at home!)  Modified Electromagnet3 POINTSFriday, 3/26  Finished Electromagnet Fishing Pole3 POINTSWednesday, 3/31  Project Worksheet5 POINTSWednesday, 3/31 OBJECTIVES: After completing this project, students will be able to… Construct a switch and use it to complete a simple circuit. Identify the parts and build a simple electromagnet. Modify the strength of an electromagnet by changing several variables. This project is worth 20 points and has multiple checkpoints (due dates) throughout the course of the project. Students failing to complete the work required at each checkpoint will have difficulty achieving a passing grade on this project. Please read over the project rules, regulations, and expectations carefully and ask questions about anything you do not understand.

6 Project Rules, Regulations, and Expectations Students will design and construct an electromagnetic fishing pole. The challenge is to build a pole that will pick up the greatest amount of mass (paperclip fish) in a set time limit. The fishing derby will be a 2-part contest. In the first portion, all poles will attempt to catch the greatest mass of fish with a single “cast”. In the second portion, all poles which meet the dimension requirements will compete in a 1-minute fishing derby to catch the greatest mass of fish out of a large “lake”. Top entries from each class will compete against each other for the top prize! Poles must meet the following dimensional requirements: Distance from energy source to end of pole must be at least 1 meter (100 cm). POLE MUST BE AT LEAST 1 METER AND BATTERY SHOULD BE AT THE BOTTOM Fishing line (wire) must extend down from end of pole to electromagnet (hook) a minimum of ½ meter (50 cm). Your wire will run from the battery at the bottom of the pole, up to the end of the pole and then must hang down a minimum of 50 centimeters to your electromagnet. ALL POLES MAY ONLY USE 1 D-Cell BATTERY AS THE ENERGY SOURCE! You may use a battery clip so you can change your battery, or you can attach more than one battery and move your wires to a fresh source. You can’t attach 2 or more batteries in series to increase the strength of your magnet (this is the one variable you may not modify!)

7 PROJECT STEP DIRECTIONS STEP 1 – FISHING POLE WITH MAGNET3 POINTSDUE: 3/8/2010 Choose an object (pole) that is at least 100 centimeters long to become your fishing pole. It should be something that you can cut, glue, tape, screw, etc. without worrying about damaging. Find a piece of string or other flexible material (ribbon, fishing line, etc.) and attach it to the end of the pole. Tie a magnet to the free end of the string so that it hangs down at least 50 cm. CONGRATULATIONS…YOU HAVE COMPLETED STEP 1! STEP 2 – WORKING SWITCH3 POINTSDUE: 3/15/2010 Demonstrate your knowledge of wiring and circuitry by building a simple switch to allow you to turn on and off your electromagnet. The switch can be made using any materials you wish, but it should be freestanding and able to be attached to your fishing pole when the time comes. Leave at least a 6” wire lead coming from both ends of your switch. YOU MAY NOT USE A STORE BOUGHT SWITCH! Your switch will be tested in class to prove that it works with a D-Cell Battery and Mini-Light Bulb. STEP 3 – INITIAL ELECTROMAGNET3 POINTSDUE: 3/22/2010 WE WILL BE CONSTRUCTING THIS IN CLASS If you can provide 1 D-Cell Battery, an Iron Bolt or Nail, and/or Thin Insulated Wire (at least 1 meter in length) it would be helpful.

8 PROJECT STEP DIRECTIONS STEP 4 – MODIFIED ELECTROMAGNET3 POINTSDUE: 3/26/2010 Modify your initial electromagnet to make it stronger for the contest. Change only one variable at a time and test/record your results on the project worksheet. You must make at least 3 modifications to your electromagnet. Keep in mind that as your battery is used, the electromagnet will lose some of its strength. STEP 5 – FINISHED ELECTROMAGNET FISHING POLE3 POINTSDUE: 3/31/2010 Put it all together and complete your working electromagnet fishing pole. It must be with you in class and working on the day of the class fishing derby. Connect your switch and D-Cell battery to the handle portion (bottom) of your pole. Remove the permanent magnet from the pole created in step 1 and tie your electromagnet on to the end of the string (be sure it remains at least 50 cm from the end of your pole). Run wires to connect all your parts in a complete circuit and test that it works. DO NOT TEST IT TOO MUCH UNLESS YOU PLAN ON REPLACING YOUR BATTERY BEFORE THE CONTEST! STEP 6 – PROJECT WORKSHEET5 POINTSDUE: 3/31/2010 You need to complete the project worksheet as you complete each step of this project. Parents will sign-off that you have met some of the requirements and your teacher will check other sections. Record the variables you modify and results during STEP 4. Complete the CONTEST DAY section during class on the contest day and turn in your completed worksheet.

9 Electromagnetic Fishing Pole Research Websites If you are having trouble getting started, or if you are beginning this project before we begin our study of electromagnets…The following web resources will help you gather information, tips, and possible ideas.

10 Today’s Agenda Warm-Up: Step 6 Classwork: –Electromagnet Fishing Derby Homework: –Egg Drop Tomorrow…all you need is a pencil! Conclusion: –What was most helpful in designing an effective electromagnet fishing pole?

11 Student Objective Sunday, June 05, 2016 Students will be able to… Construct an electromagnet fishing pole and use it to pick up paper clip fish.

12 Electromagnet Fishing Derby 1.First, turn on electromagnet and pickup as many clips as you can in 1 try. 2.Each group member does this 1 time and records their results. 3.Next, use the timer to fish for 1 minute in pairs. Catch and release as many “fish” as you can in the time limit (only clips in your bucket at the end count). 4.Measure and record the mass of your catch. 5.Once everyone has had their turn, return to the center of the lobby and complete your project worksheet. 6.Be prepared to discuss your performance and results.

13 Electromagnet Fishing Derby 1. Each group member takes 1 “cast” to pick up as many clips as possible.  COUNT AND RECORD ON PROJECT WORKSHEET 2. Working in pairs, fish for 1 minute, catching and releasing as many clips as you can into your catch bucket.  Find the mass using a digital scale (BE SURE TO RE-ZERO!)  RECORD ON PROJECT WORKSHEET. 3. Answer the last question on your project worksheet.  TURN IT IN WHEN COMPLETE! 4. CLEAN AREA AND SIT ON FLOOR IN CENTER OF LOBBY UNTIL EVERYONE ELSE FINISHES.

14 HOMEWORK EGG DROP TOMORROW… All you need to bring to school is a pencil. Always copy daily homework into your agenda.

15 What do you think was the most helpful in designing the most effective electromagnet fishing pole? A.Having a good switch. B.Having an electromagnet with many loops. C.Having a solid connection between battery and wires. D.A combination of A, B, and C. E.Something else. ???

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