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Gilbert Prado Mr. Esequiel Garcia Jr. Mr. Pedro Segura August 16, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Gilbert Prado Mr. Esequiel Garcia Jr. Mr. Pedro Segura August 16, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gilbert Prado Mr. Esequiel Garcia Jr. Mr. Pedro Segura August 16, 2013

2  Introduction  Think-Pair-Share (Survey Activity 1)  Four Corner (Survey Activity 2)  Formative Assessment Definition  Attributes of FA  Grid Activity (Survey Activity 3)  Vignette Activity (Survey Activity 4)  End Thought  Conclusion

3  Reflect upon the types of assessments that you currently use in your classroom? Instructions 1. Think – Take 3 min. to reflect. 2. Pair Up – Select a shoulder partner. 3. Share – Take 3 min to share your thought with your shoulder partner and then switch roles.

4  What type of assessment do you predominately use in your classes? (Four Corner – Activity) A. Quizzes B. Student Portfolios C. Formative Assessments (informal checking) D. Tests

5  At the heart of formative assessment or assessment for learning, is the belief in which classroom assessments can be utilized not only to inform the instructor the student’s level of understanding, but provide additional insight as to what critically information is not fully understood and help guide teacher instruction (Wiliam, 2011).

6  A classroom assessment strategy is considered to be formative in nature if it plays a decisive role in informing teachers and students direction to areas of concern needed for taking instructional action. By addressing those learning differences simultaneously through teaching and re- teaching, educators are able to make an impact on student learning by addressing the gaps through the art of instruction (Maxwell & Garcia, 2012).

7 Leahy et al. (2005) shared five key elements prevalent in the formative assessment process, which included: 1. Sharing learning intentions and guide for success, 2. Engineering classroom learning activities, 3. Sharing feedback with students for the purpose of action, 4. Guiding students to take ownership in learning, 5. Guiding students to be a key resource for one another (p. 2).

8  When are tests usually given in your classes? A. Before Instruction B. During Instruction C. After Instruction


10  Types of Formative Assessment

11 Think-Pair-Share  How do you envision formative assessment in your classroom?

12 Group Survey What is the purpose of formative assessment? (P. Segura) A. Guide Instruction B. Provide Feedback to students C. Inform about student learning and understanding of concepts. D. All the Above

13 Maxwell, G., & Garcia E. (2012). Rural South Texas Curriculum Coaches Perspective on the use of Formative Assessment to Guide Instruction Paper presented at the University Council of Educational Administrators. Convention, Denver, CO. Frey, B. B., & Schmitt, V, L. (2010). Teachers' Classroom Assessment Practices. Middle Grades Research Journal, 5(3), 107-117. Leahy, S., Lyon, C., Thompson, M., & William, D. (2005). Classroom assessment minute by minute, day by day. Educational Leadership, 63(3), 18-24. Retrieved from http://0- db=a9h&AN=18772694&site=ehost-live Wiliam, D. (2011). What is assessment for learning? Studies In Educational Evaluation, 37(1), 3-14. Elsevier Ltd. doi:10.1016/j.stueduc.2011.03.001

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