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Delivering faster broadband to Hampshire’s rural areas Daniel Fearnley, Programme Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "Delivering faster broadband to Hampshire’s rural areas Daniel Fearnley, Programme Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 Delivering faster broadband to Hampshire’s rural areas Daniel Fearnley, Programme Manager

2 This is important…to Hampshire We understand the frustration We have Chief Officer, Karen Murray, sponsorship Support from The Leader, Executive Member for Economic Development & Rural Affairs plus Broadband Champion Senate, Districts and LEPs

3 This is important…to you! Meanwhile, somewhere deep in the rural farmland of Hampshire

4 Building affordable homes Rural Business Parks Just doing the job! Or being you!

5 Where are we now? Revised bid November 2011 Approved January 2012 Delays at BDUK now mean procurement planned for completion Feb/Mar 2013

6 What are the timescales? 2013 2015 Phased schedule to be decided with commercial partner Based upon economic principles. E.g. Demand vs. Cost Not necessarily rural areas last Detailed information not available until due diligence Gap funded model £5m BDUK + £5m LA + £? Private Investment = £??m investment Demand stimulation remains key

7 What are the targets? 70-80% Market 90% Superfast (24Mbps +) Last 10% Min 2Mbps

8 What are we doing now? Preparing for procurement: State Aid – White, Grey and Black areas Demand stimulation – 11,000 now, what is possible? How will we evaluate tender? ★ More with super-fast or faster speeds for all? What will our payment schedule be? Can we enable community ‘add on’

9 What about my community?

10 How can we work together to get best solution? You: Keep registering demand at Current bidder estimates will be based on 20-25% buy back Additional RCBF grants for final 10% & Community assistance (digs, finance, etc) Us: Encourage re-use of existing infrastructure – Schools, Public Bodies, Local Business, Existing Ducts, etc. Best possible bid to encourage speeds as fast as possible within funding available Push for flexible community options

11 90% and beyond…. Demand stimulation is key £10m of Public money to install v’s 25,000 x £20 per month = £6m a year for a long time….

12 Next steps Please register your Please register your demand at: Email updates & public meetingsmeetings

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