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Community Action Hampshire DEFRA and BDUK Rural Community Broadband Fund Friday 17 February 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Action Hampshire DEFRA and BDUK Rural Community Broadband Fund Friday 17 February 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Action Hampshire DEFRA and BDUK Rural Community Broadband Fund Friday 17 February 2012

2 Introduction Joanna Dixon Senior Rural Officer Community Action Hampshire Questions at the end of each session Email us at Twitter #RCBFHants

3 Joe Ling RDPE Manager 01905 768854 DEFRA

4 Rural Community Broadband Fund (RCBF) What’s Available & How to Apply

5 What is the RCBF? £20M joint DEFRA and BDUK fund Grant aid for communities located in “hard to reach” locations to establish Superfast Broadband or ‘Next Generation Access” (NGA) ‘Hard to reach’ as defined in Local Authority Local Broadband Plans - those areas that will not receive superfast broadband through the wider BDUK funded programme Superfast / NGA is at least 24 - 30 megabits per second.

6 Who Can Apply? Eligible bodies include: Community Enterprises E.g. Cooperatives, Companies Limited by Guarantee or Community Interest Companies Charities Local Authorities: on behalf of communities Includes Parish Councils Other Local Partnerships: Groups of private businesses (that are beneficiaries, not individual Communications Provider businesses)

7 Who Can Apply? Applicants must: Be a legal entity in order to enter into a Funding Agreement (existing or proposed) Be able to source the resources in order to fund expenditure prior to claiming any grant Be able demonstrate compliance with State Aid and public procurement rules (at Full Application stage) Be able to sign up to an RDPE Funding Agreement by December 2013

8 What Can I Apply For? An eligible body can apply for funds to: Procure a network operator, or: Establish the equipment/ infrastructure required to deliver the service themselves As a guide, there are two broad models to consider in developing an application;  Extending the Local Broadband Plan – Community works with the Local Broadband Plan lead on Demand Aggregation, to extend the proposed 90% area infrastructure into their area  Community Enterprise – Community establishes the required infrastructure themselves

9 How Much Could I Apply For? You can apply for up to 50% of the total eligible project costs: No other public funding can be used as match Maximum support is £300 grant per premise As an example, match funding can be found from: Those who will receive the service committing to pay a connection charge Or committing to receive the service for a minimum period at a set cost Other forms of community investment A procured Network Operator committing funds to infrastructure/ service development Not an exhaustive list

10 How do I apply? Submit and Expression of Interest (EOI) to your local RDPE Lead (“Sponsor”) Open Call Approach, in Rounds: Round 1 – closed 31 st January 2012 Round 2 – to be announced, planned to open May 2012 EOI will require you to demonstrate that: your community is likely to be hard to reach (within the final 10%) There is sufficient local need and demand You have the capacity to deliver for reasonable value for money If your EOI is endorsed, you will be invited to prepare a detailed Full Application, to a timescale you agree with your Sponsor

11 How will my EOI be assessed? EOI Assessment Criteria;  Strategic Fit – target communities in a “final 10%” hard to reach area, fit with County Local Broadband Plan  Value for Money – does the project demonstrate good value for money?  Outcomes – evidence of local need/ demand for superfast broadband / NGA, economic and social outcomes, population served  Delivery – is the proposed solution generally realistic and sustainable – technically and financially  Uplands Area – is the project located in an Uplands area?  Community Engagement – evidence of community engagement and support for your project

12 What Next? Round 2 of the invitation of calls for interest to be announced, expected May 2012 Work with your local County Council Lead – are you within reach? Identify your local need and demand Scope out your options for delivering what your community needs Talk to us

13 What Next? Joe Ling 01905 768 854

14 Broadband Delivery UK Adrian Wooster BDUK Community aspects and Next Generation Access in the final 10% Natasha Innocent Director Community Partnerships Demand Stimulation and Digital Inclusion

15 Rural Community Broadband Toolkit Hampshire 17th February 2012

16 Background Government objective: “best superfast broadband in Europe by 2015” Market expected to deliver to around 70% of country but not “final third” Broadband Strategy launched with £530m Government funding to deliver: – Superfast broadband to around 90% of the population – A 2 Mbps universal service commitment to everyone –Rural Community Broadband fund launched to support communities in the final 10% wanting more than basic broadband

17 RCBF is NGA only!

18 RCBF Scope The solution must turn the area “NGA Grey” – Competitively priced wholesale service – A choice of service providers RCBF is included in the BDUK State Aid application

19 RCBF Scope The fund is technology neutral – Projects may choose any combination of technologies if they conform to agreed NGA definitions – Individual satellite services are excluded Compliance with industry standards is required Proposals for extension of existing NGA rollout are encouraged

20 RCBF & Local Broadband Plans RCBF extends the scope of community engagement Proposals should be endorsed by – A majority of the premises in the target area – A local accountable body (e.g. Parish Council) – The Local Authority Community Industry Public Sector RCBF

21 The toolkit Will become a living web-based resource Pointers to existing guidance & material – INCA Beyond – FttH Council Business – Erisa Broadband – Rural Broadband


23 EoI to RCBF Full Submission to RCBF High-level Process

24 Keys to success A solid business plan A reliable network A basic set of services A local set of services Customer Care Communication An “Us feeling” Only 1 is technical 4 relate to your community! Only 1 is technical 4 relate to your community! * Kees Rover’s 7-pillars

25 Capacity & Capability Community Capability Community Investment Capacity Demand Aggregation DIY Build & Benefit Concession Partnership Using LA Partners Community Enterprise Do Nothing

26 #1 Demand Aggregation The community decides it wishes to have more than the minimum The community works to – Improve quality of the solution from a minimum in-fill solution to an NGA based solution – Confirm actionable verifiable demand in support of the case for more investment With LA Partners

27 #2 Build & Benefit Community is willing to help deliver NGA – E.g. civil engineering, way-leaves or additional funding Community happy that RoI is gained from benefitting from an improved service Open Access & ISPs delivered by LA partner With LA Partners

28 #3 Partnership The community want to raise some of the risk capital & expect an investment return Partners are needed to – Provide additional investment – Build & operate the network Open Access & ISPs delivered by partners Investment and Exit plans need to be considered Community Organisation

29 #4 Concession The community are able to raise all the risk finance They have no ambition to be a network operator A concession is offered by the community to design, build and operate their network The community must steer strategic decisions Open Access &ISPs delivered by the concession partner Investment and Exit plans need to be considered Community Organisation

30 #5 DIY The community are able to raise all of the finance They have a strong desire to be the network operator The community design, build & operate their own network Open Access & Service Providers delivered by the community Investment and Exit plans need to be considered Community Organisation

31 Engagement → Sustainable

32 Thank you! Adrian Wooster 07788 167776 Natasha Innocent 07917 174205

33 Go ON campaigns Communities

34 BDUK goals for UK by 2015 The best Superfast Broadband in Europe Standard broadband delivered to virtually all communities To achieve both the UK also needs world leading levels of digital capability AND the right environment to stimulate demand – t This is what Go ON campaigns seek to do do

35 Go ON local campaigns aim to inspire people to recognise the benefits of being online and build their capability to support everyone in a local area to experience an enhanced social, cultural + economic life from being online to create demand for superfast broadband

36 Secure connected communities Inspiring local people + businesses to change behaviour using tried + tested successful projects such as eHampshire to support change Using the activists in your community to drive further demand through their enthusiasm, energy + skills Using interesting, relevant + engaging Go ON messaging

37 Supporting Local Broadband Plans Communities can play a significant role in driving demand at very local level By working together Local Authorities and active communities can achieve increased demand + potentially more roll out from the investment pot available

38 Getting started Identify local partners who could help you get your message across Gather as much data as possible on who needs support Recruit digital champions to build skills + raise awareness of the benefits a fast network will bring Support your network of champions to stay active + engaged

39 Go ON community partners Make use of community networks to help drive demand at local level Faith Communities Existing volunteer networks Community organisations Local pubs and post offices Scouts + Girl Guides The Women’s Institute

40 Recruit digital champions Local people willing to share their skills + enthusiasm with friends, neighbours, colleagues or family Knowing someone’s interests, passions or information triggers allows a personalised introduction to the web Champions don’t need to be IT experts experts – it’s much more important to be a good communicator

41 Next steps Consider adopting a local Go ON campaign Use the free marketing assets to promote the benefits of being online recruit and inspire digital champions to promote Go ON messaging + drive demand Collect + promote local case studies to inspire others to join in Have fun

42 Questions ?

43 Panellists Joe Ling – DEFRA Natasha Innocent - BDUK Adrian Wooster – BDUK Daniel Fearnley – HCC

44 Refreshment break Next session starts at 3.30 pm

45 Hampshire Country Council’s Local Broadband Plan Daniel Fearnley IT Business Partner Hampshire County Council 01962 846359

46 Hampshire’s Local Broadband Plan Daniel Fearnley, IT Business Partner & Programme Director

47 This is important… We understand the frustration We understand the benefits We have Chief Officer, Karen Murray, sponsorship Support from The Leader, Executive Member for Economic Development & Rural Affairs plus Broadband Champion Senate, Districts and LEPs

48 What does Hampshire look like without the programme?

49 Where are we now? Revised bid November 2011 Procurement completed end 2012 Approved January 2012

50 What are the timescales? 2013 2015 Schedule to be decided with commercial partner Based upon economic principles. E.g. Demand vs. Cost Gap funded model Demand stimulation remains key

51 What are the targets 90% of premises 24Mbps + Remaining 10% minimum 2Mbps

52 What does 90% look like?

53 90% and beyond…. Demand stimulation Reuse of existing assets Efficient implementation Consultation and engagement

54 Hampshire’s role in RCBF Share details of our Local Broadband Plan - You need to be in the final 10% We can offer support and advice Facilitation – like today! Can’t bid, but can work together to ensure maximum value

55 The final 10%....

56 The final 10%....for now..

57 Hampshire Broadband What next… Detailed planning Procure a partner Engagement with you and all stakeholders Improved website, regular updates & quarterly stakeholder engagement

58 Questions?

59 CAH support Joanna Dixon Senior Rural Officer Community Action Hampshire 01962 857354

60 Joanna Dixon Senior Rural Officer Community Action Hampshire 01962 857354

61 Why an issue? Equalities issue – linked to education, citizenship Access to services issue – a new dimension Market forces issue – little rural investment Hidden disadvantage – not always recognized Rural economy – dependent for growth Essential for everyone – not an “add on”

62 What can CAH do? 1.Brokering role - today’s event ; open a dialogue 2.Signposting role – to other sources of expertise & help; other community projects 3.Help demonstrate demand – raising awareness, educating about benefits & encouraging take up through engagement processes

63 Further advice & support OCSI parish profiles – socio-economic data Bid writing Organizational & legal structures Developing social enterprise Business planning Networking & cooperation Intelligence gathering & feeding back

64 Questions and Next Steps Map to identify whether you are eligible Where to go for further advice and information Use Google - rural broadband solutions Share information - talk to each other

65 Today's speakers Joe Ling – DEFRA Natasha Innocent - BDUK Adrian Wooster – BDUK Daniel Fearnley – HCC

66 Thank you Joanna Dixon Senior Rural Officer Community Action Hampshire 01962 857354

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