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What does this picture show?. Solar Eclipse Friday March 20 th 2015 To be able to explain what happens during a solar eclipse.

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Presentation on theme: "What does this picture show?. Solar Eclipse Friday March 20 th 2015 To be able to explain what happens during a solar eclipse."— Presentation transcript:

1 What does this picture show?

2 Solar Eclipse Friday March 20 th 2015 To be able to explain what happens during a solar eclipse

3 What do I know? 1.How long in hours is one day? 2.How many days in 1 year (not a leap year)? 3.What does the earth travel around? 4.What travels around the earth? 5.What are the four seasons? 1.24 hours 2.365 days (365.25) 3.The sun 4.The moon 5.Spring, summer, autumn, winter

4 Day and night What is day? What is night? Why do they happen?

5 Day and night Model Hold a ball with one finger at the top and bottom. Spin it slowly – this is the earth. Shine a light from a torch – this is the sun. The torch brightens up one side of the ball – day The other side of the ball is in the shadow – night

6 Day and night Day and night are caused by the rotating (turning) of the earth on its axis. When one part of the earth faces the sun it is daytime. The other side of the earth away from the sun experiences night

7 Night time The moon moves around the earth. It is only seen when the sun on the other side of the earth shines on it. This is why it appears to change shape each night through the month.

8 Seasons How does the length of a day change as you go through the year? How does the weather and temperature change as you go through the year?

9 Seasons Model Shine a lamp in the middle on the room. Hold the ball and move it around the lamp – a year. As the ball moves each quarter of the way around the lamp tilt the ball - seasons

10 Seasons Seasons are caused by the tilting of the earth at its axis as it moves around the sun. If the UK is tilted towards the sun we have summer. If the UK is tilted away from the sun we have winter.

11 Solar eclipse What do you think a solar eclipse is? What do you think causes a solar eclipse?

12 Solar eclipse Model Shine the torch (sun) at the ball (earth). – look at what is seen on the ball Now move a small ball (moon) in between the sun and earth – eclipse – what do you notice happening?

13 Solar eclipse A solar eclipse is caused when the sun, moon and earth are all in line with each other. The moon blocks out the sun from the earth casting a shadow across the earth. This area gets a total eclipse These areas get a partial eclipse

14 Pin Hole Camera It is not safe to look directly at the sun or a solar eclipse as it is happening. The light rays can cause permanent damage to your eyes. The best way to view this is to make and use a pin hole camera.

15 Pin Hole Camera Use a shoe box or make a small box from card. Make a small pin hole in one end of the box. Draw a large rectangle on the other end and cut it out. Replace this end with tracing paper and secure in place. Position the pin hole end towards your light object (sun/ lamp) and watch what happens on the tracing paper.

16 Cut out this shape. Stick tracing paper over the gap. Pin hole

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