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Sa Welcome GASP to. Engaging Students Chief Air Quality Index Officer and his Deputy.

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Presentation on theme: "Sa Welcome GASP to. Engaging Students Chief Air Quality Index Officer and his Deputy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sa Welcome GASP to

2 Engaging Students

3 Chief Air Quality Index Officer and his Deputy

4 Using the program: Our Routine (Ethan) Ethan and Dylan – Check the forcasted Air Quality index color and value for the day Adam, Will, Joey and Nathan – Change the corresponding flag in the elementary school building across from the principal’s office Bella, Jenna, Hattie, Colleen, and Samantha – gather the corresponding flag for the day and walk to the flag pole. Mrs. Salvi – Lower the flag on the flag pole and assist girls in replacing the Air Quality flag for the day. Entire fifth grade class – raise the appropriate flag and secure it on the flag pole.

5 Service to parents and the community

6 Air Pollution Speed Dating (Will)

7 Alternative Energy Machines – Geothermal (Lizzie and Charlie)

8 Alternative Energy Machines – Wind Power (Tarah, Margaret and Abby)

9 Alternative Energy Machines – Biomass (Scott, Riley and Audrey)

10 Increase Awareness-Posted Action Flow Charts (Dylan)

11 Make a Change – Green Field Trips (Patrick)

12 What we learned about air quality: Particulate matter - primary and secondary (Colleen) Sizes of particles – coarse, fine and ultrafine (Joey) Health effects from fine particulates (Jenna) Why is it important? – Breathing is not a choice! (Bella) Sensitive populations (Adam) Ground Level Ozone (Hattie) Ozone Levels – time of year and time of day (Nathan) Sources of Air Pollution – Drilling, Diesel Pollution, and wood combustion (Will)

13 Thank you for sharing the School Flag Program with our school! (Samantha)


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