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Measurement and Verification of Refrigeration Measures in 4 Grocery Stores in Pacific County Presented to the Regional Technical Forum August 8 th, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Measurement and Verification of Refrigeration Measures in 4 Grocery Stores in Pacific County Presented to the Regional Technical Forum August 8 th, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Measurement and Verification of Refrigeration Measures in 4 Grocery Stores in Pacific County Presented to the Regional Technical Forum August 8 th, 2006

2 Introduction  Review Work to Date with NRM  Present Results of M&V for 4 stores in Pacific County  Present recommendations for future grocery store M&V.

3 February 7th 2005  RTF reviewed and approved NRM measures and calculation methodology on a pilot basis: Require 3 rd -party M&V on first 10 projects. Revise credit as indicated after completion of first 10 projects.

4 March 2005  BPA developed M&V plan for pilot. By BPA Two week pre/post installation electrical power metering. Pre/post installation review of equipment and operation. By NRM Detailed pre-installation audit and post installation data collection.

5 June 2005 – Pacific County Incentive Offer LocationkWh SavingsCost ($)IncentiveOwner's CostSavings Payback (yrs) Riverdale Grocery28,570$9,012$7,714$1,802$1,9140.9 Ilwaco Marketplace31,523$13,391$8,511$4,879$2,1122.3 Okies Food Center #268,139$23,828$18,398$5,431$4,5651.2 Pioneer Market & Deli31,955$10,406$8,628$2,081$2,1411.0 Okies Select Market32,333$12,012$8,730$3,282$2,1661.5 Pioneer Market42,572$17,341$11,494$5,846$2,8522.0 Total235,09285,989$63,475$23,322$15,7511.5

6 July–November 2005 - BPA Baseline Metering  5 stores  10 site visits over 5 months  Average 32 man-hours per store in combined travel and in-store time.  Labor Intensive  Adds months of time


8 Baseline Compressor-Condenser Unit Duty Cycle & Run-Time kW Load ObservedNRM* Cooler52%53% Freezer68%53% Cooler kW4.34.3 Freezer kW4.64.3 * NRM assumes 55% Duty Cycle for units during non-winter months (OSA temp > 35 degrees F), otherwise 35%.

9 Post-Install Compressor – Condenser Unit Duty Cycle ObservedNRM* Cooler33%~42% Freezer64%~42% * NRM assumes 55% Duty Cycle for units during non-winter months (OSA temp > 35 degrees F), otherwise 35%. NRM estimates 3% reduction in compressor-condenser unit duty cycle thru direct digital temp controls. Further reductions in duty cycle estimated by reduced refrigeration load due to ECM motor installations, but not directly specified in % basis.

10 Reduced Compressor Duty Cycle ObservedNRM* Cooler19%~11% Freezer3%~11% * NRM estimates reduction in compressor-condenser unit duty cycles due to combination of measures – direct digital control, evaporator fan cycling, and ECM motor installations. Due to ECM motor installations only in coolers, not freezers, NRM estimated % reductions should be slightly higher for cooler compressor- condenser units compared to freezers [NRM calculations do not directly specify % duty cycle reductions for specific measures, only kWh per year.]

11 Compressor-Condenser Units per Stores Coolers & Freezers  See Spreadsheet  Note large variance in run-time kW, from low of 1.6 to high of 10.3.

12 Baseline Door Heater Duty Cycle & Average Connected Load (kW) ObservedNRM* CoolerX100% FreezerX100% Cooler Door (kW) 8795 Freezer Door (kW)170195 * NRM assumes 100% duty cycle pre-installation. Site visits did not conflict with this assumption, but note difficulty in metering (CT sizes, access, etc.), as well as a difference in temperature felt and measured at several doors.

13 Post-Installation Average Door Heater Duty Cycle & Annual kWh per Door Savings ObservedNRM* Cooler4%21% Freezer54%59% Cooler Door826644 (kWh/yr Savings) Freezer Door822744 (kWh/yr Savings)

14 Door Heater Control Results per Stores, Coolers & Freezers  See Spreadsheet  Cooler Door Heater Control with average B/C ratio = 2.57  Freezer Door Heater Control with average B/C ratio = 1.40

15 Sampling of Baseline Evaporator Fan Connected Load (kW) – Metered to NRM Estimates Observed (kW) NRM (kW) Bev. Cooler (10)1.251.173 Produce Cooler (4)0.360.704 Bev. Cooler (10)1.651.955 Meat Cooler (3)0.610.528 Misc. Freezer (4)0.370.938 Meat Freezer (2)0.270.352 Misc. Freezer (3)0.910.587

16 Post-Installation Average Evaporator Fan Duty Cycling ObservedNRM* Cooler59%68.78% Freezer63%68.78%

17 Post-Installation Evaporator Fan % Savings and Fan kWh per Year Savings from Control Measure ObservedNRM* Cooler41%31.22% Freezer37%31.22% Cooler Fan583444 (kWh Savings per Year) Freezer Fan575485 (kWh Savings per Year)

18 Evaporator Fan Control Measure Results per Store, Coolers and Freezers  Cooler Units with Average B/C Ratio = 2.74  Freezer Units with Average B/C Ratio = 1.40  See Spreadsheet

19 New Evaporator Fan ECM Motors Connected Load (kW) – Metered to NRM Estimates Observed (kW) NRM (kW)* Produce Cooler (4)0.170.4224 Bev. Cooler (10)0.931.197 * NRM assumes a 40% reduction in motor load.

20 Vendor Beverage Coolers Observed Percent kWh Savings Description% Savings 1 - Two (2) Door Pepsi20% 2 - Two (2) Door RC40% 3 - Three (3) Door Pepsi36% 4 - One (1) Door Pepsi18% 1 - Two (2) Door Coca Cola47% 2 - Two (2) Door Unit50% 3 - Three (3) Door Unit40% 4 - Misc.48% 1 - Snapple18% Average35%

21 Vendor Beverage Coolers Summary Summary Averaged Results kWh/yr SavingsCost ($)B / C Ratio 1,023$3201.34 ObservedNRM* % Savings35%36%

22 Store Total Results


24 Recommendations  Extend as pilot for 1-year Continue approval of NRM package of measures. Continue approval of NRM savings calculation methodology.

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