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Reconstruction 1865-1877. Reconstruction- A time period after the Civil War when the South was rebuilt and made part of the Union again.

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Presentation on theme: "Reconstruction 1865-1877. Reconstruction- A time period after the Civil War when the South was rebuilt and made part of the Union again."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reconstruction 1865-1877

2 Reconstruction- A time period after the Civil War when the South was rebuilt and made part of the Union again.

3 During Reconstruction: Freedmen (former slaves) and African- Americans gained new rights. Freedmen (former slaves) and African- Americans gained new rights. –13 th Amendment officially ended slavery –14 th Amendment granted African-Americans citizenship –15 th Amendment gave African-American men the right to vote.

4 Ways those rights were denied: Ku Klux Klan formed; threats and violence used to prevent southern blacks from exercising these rights. Ku Klux Klan formed; threats and violence used to prevent southern blacks from exercising these rights. Literacy Tests must be passed in order to vote. Literacy Tests must be passed in order to vote. Poll taxes must be paid in order to vote. Poll taxes must be paid in order to vote. Grandfather clause ensures white men will not have to take the test or pay the tax. Grandfather clause ensures white men will not have to take the test or pay the tax.


6 Jim Crow Laws: Government supported oppression of African-Americans. Government supported oppression of African-Americans. “Jim Crow South” “Jim Crow South”

7 Plessy vs. Ferguson (1896): Supreme Court case that ruled separate facilities for whites and blacks were legal. Supreme Court case that ruled separate facilities for whites and blacks were legal. “Separate but equal” meant the facilities (bathrooms, water fountains, schools, theaters, etc…) had to be equal to each other in quality and condition. “Separate but equal” meant the facilities (bathrooms, water fountains, schools, theaters, etc…) had to be equal to each other in quality and condition. Were they equal??? Were they equal???









16 Reconstruction Timeline: April 9, 1865 The Civil War Ends April 9, 1865 The Civil War Ends April 14, 1865 President Abraham Lincoln is assassinated. April 14, 1865 President Abraham Lincoln is assassinated. –John Wilkes Booth –Andrew Johnson becomes the new President.


18 Timeline cont… 1867 Radical Republicans vs. President Johnson 1867 Radical Republicans vs. President Johnson Reconstruction Act of 1867 passed Reconstruction Act of 1867 passed February 1868 President Johnson Impeached February 1868 President Johnson Impeached

19 Impeach: To accuse an elected official of committing a crime. To accuse an elected official of committing a crime. For a president, the House of Representatives has the power to impeach. They must get a majority of members to vote for impeachment. For a president, the House of Representatives has the power to impeach. They must get a majority of members to vote for impeachment. If a majority is reached, the Senate is in charge of the president’s trial. If a majority is reached, the Senate is in charge of the president’s trial. –2/3 of Senate needed to convict and remove from office.

20 Reconstruction Act of 1867 South divided into five military districts. South divided into five military districts. New state constitutions must be written. New state constitutions must be written. Each southern state must ratify the 14 th amendment. Each southern state must ratify the 14 th amendment. African-American men must be allowed to vote. African-American men must be allowed to vote. Once these measures are met, the state is officially part of the union again. Once these measures are met, the state is officially part of the union again.

21 Election of 1868 Freedmen help get Ulysses S. Grant elected. Freedmen help get Ulysses S. Grant elected. Grant’s status as Civil War hero helps him become popular president. Grant’s status as Civil War hero helps him become popular president. Grant re-elected in 1872. Grant re-elected in 1872. Reconstruction ends in 1877 with President Hayes. Reconstruction ends in 1877 with President Hayes.

22 “To the Polls”, by T.W. Wood

23 “A Visit From the Old Mistress” -Winslow Homer


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