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Primate species interactions Does your brain look Like this at this point in the Semester?….

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Presentation on theme: "Primate species interactions Does your brain look Like this at this point in the Semester?…."— Presentation transcript:

1 Primate species interactions Does your brain look Like this at this point in the Semester?….

2 When similar species share... One may go extinct There may be evidence of behavioral character displacement (when one species shifts its niche) Share if –Resources are not limited –There is an area where they don’t overlap (physical and dietary)

3 Ways to share…. Vertical and horizontal space use (fig 3.3 in coursepak-Suriname) Diet Activity

4 Examples Lorises in Africa Lemurs in Madagascar Colobus and guenons in Africa

5 African Lorises Allen’s galago Needle clawed galago potto Demidoff’s galago Lorises

6 Loris niche seperation Forest structure (vertical space) - fig 11.1 in coursepak Horizontal space- (fig 10.3 coursepak) Diet and location of food (table 10.2 in coursepak and figures in coursepak).

7 Brown lemurs and Mongoose lemurs Activity cycle Figures from courespak

8 Colobus and Guenons Colobus Red (left) Black and white (right) Cercopithecus Red-tailed (left) Blue monkey (mid) Mangabey (right)

9 Niche separation? Diet (table 10.6 10.8, 10.7 Richard reading- summary graphs next few slides)

10 Leaves Cercopithecines Colobus

11 Fruit

12 Flowers

13 insects

14 Niche separation? Diet (table 10.6 10.8, 10.7 Richard reading) –Colobus eat more leaves (black and white eat more new) –Cercopithecus eat more fruit – Cercopiths supplement with different foods –Little species overlap (Table 10.7, 10.8 Richard reading)

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