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GROWTH MANAGEMENT ISSUES AND ALTERNATIVES: SOURCES OF EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS David Mulkey and Henry Cothran Food and Resource Economics University of Florida.

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Presentation on theme: "GROWTH MANAGEMENT ISSUES AND ALTERNATIVES: SOURCES OF EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS David Mulkey and Henry Cothran Food and Resource Economics University of Florida."— Presentation transcript:

1 GROWTH MANAGEMENT ISSUES AND ALTERNATIVES: SOURCES OF EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS David Mulkey and Henry Cothran Food and Resource Economics University of Florida

2 PRESENTATION OBJECTIVES Sources of information on growth management Focus on the ideas of: Smart Growth Agricultural Land Preservation Property Rights Materials Available Fact Sheet Introduction to Smart Growth Presentation

3 STARTING WITH THE BASICS Public Policy Education Model Issues Alternatives Consequences Community Visioning A critical first step Objective outside facilitators Clearly defined goals

4 Sources of Information Farmland Protection Farm Foundation Land Use Conflict: When City and County Clash Protecting Farmland at the Fringe: Do Regulations Work? Current Issues Associated With Land Values and Land Use Planning

5 Sources of Information Farmland Protection American Farmland Trust A range of information on specific tools and policy alternatives A set of fact sheets addressing specific policy options Information on state legislation and programs

6 Sources of Information Property Rights Property Rights: A Primer edited by Neil Meyer Available from Farm Foundation Web Site Nine papers addressing different aspects of private property rights

7 Sources of Information Smart Growth Smart Growth Network Slide Presentation: An Introduction to Smart Growth Principles of Smart Growth Issue Area Reference Materials

8 Sources of Information Florida Examples Florida Department of Community Affairs Growth Management Link provides a range of information including Comprehensive Planning Legislation

9 Concluding Comments Area will likely be a fertile ground for educational efforts as more communities examine a range of growth related issues The basics of policy education and community visioning are key parts of the process

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