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Racqual Espinoza, Will Ellfeldt, Myah Floyd, Tim Gilmore Period 3-Group 3 9/25/13.

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Presentation on theme: "Racqual Espinoza, Will Ellfeldt, Myah Floyd, Tim Gilmore Period 3-Group 3 9/25/13."— Presentation transcript:

1 Racqual Espinoza, Will Ellfeldt, Myah Floyd, Tim Gilmore Period 3-Group 3 9/25/13

2  Speaker: Group 3  Occasion: To learn more about The Crucible  Audience: Students  Purpose: To understand the background of the Crucible.  Subject: Gender Roles in the Puritan Society  Tone: Informative

3  Based on different expectations that societies have of individuals based on their sex.  Defined according to a society’s beliefs about differences between the sexes.  Puritan women were held with heavy responsibilities.

4  For women, original sin carried more weight because everyone believed all women carried Eve’s corruption.  The creation of order created a hierarchy, which placed men on top.  Authority was given to the husband over the wife.

5  Thou shall never demonstrate rage.  Thou shall always subordinate to thy husband.  Thou shall NEVER lay a hand on thy cash.  Thou shall ALWAYS keep the house clean.  Thou will have full responsibility of the children.

6  Thou shall never treat thy wife as thy servant.  Thou shall always provide for thy family.  Thou shall always protect thy family.  Thou shall always keep thy wife in check.

7  No other group of people was more vulnerable to the witchcraft hysteria than women.  Women were seen as inferior beings that needed to be dominated by a male figure and those who broke the mold were viewed as dangerous.  These roles illustrate the flaws with Puritans society

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