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Nature of Energy Energy is all around! You use energy when you: Sound

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Presentation on theme: "Nature of Energy Energy is all around! You use energy when you: Sound"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nature of Energy Energy is all around! You use energy when you: Sound
Light Wind You use energy when you: Hit a softball Lift your book Compress a spring

2 Nature of energy Living organisms need energy for growth & movement
Energy is involved when A bird flies A bomb explodes Rain falls Electricity flows through a wire

3 Nature of energy What is energy that it can be involved in so many different activities? Energy can be defined as the ability to do work If an object or organism does work (exerts a force over a distance to move an object) the object or organism uses energy

4 Nature of Energy Direct connection between energy and work
Energy is measured in the same unit as work: Joules (J) Objects gain energy because work is being done on them

5 Forms of Energy 5 main categories Heat Chemical Electromagnetic
Nuclear Mechanical

6 Heat Energy Internal motion of the atoms
Moving particles produce heat Heat energy can be produced by friction Heat energy causes changes in temp. and phase of any form of matter

7 Chemical Energy Required to bond atoms together
When bonds are broken, energy is released Fuel and food are forms of stored chemical energy

8 How do you use energy? Agenda for Thursday Nov 4th Energy Notes Movie

9 Electromagnetic Energy
Power lines carry electromagnetic energy into your home in the form of electricity Light is a form of electromagnetic energy Each color (ROY G BIV) is a different amount of electromagnetic energy X-rays, radio waves, and lasers

10 Nuclear Energy Nucleus of an atom is the source of nuclear energy
Fission (nucleus splits) – energy is released as heat and light Fusion (nuclei joins) – energy is released

11 Nuclear Energy Sun’s energy is produced from a nuclear fusion reaction in which hydrogen nuclei fuse to form helium nuclei Nuclear energy is the most concentrated form of energy

12 Mechanical Energy When work is done to an object, it acquires energy
Energy it acquires is known as mechanical energy When you kick a football, you give mechanical energy to the football to make it move Give energy to a Bowling ball, ball hits pin and they get energy

13 Energy Conversion Energy can be changed from one form to another
Changes in the form of energy are called energy conversions All energy forms can be converted to other forms Sun through solar cells to electricity Plants take sun energy to sugars (electromagnetic to chemical)


15 States of Energy Most common energy conversion is between potential and kinetic energy All forms of energy can be in either of 2 states Potential Kinetic

16 Kinetic Energy Kinetic Energy – energy of motion KE – 1/2mv2
Depends on mass and velocity Faster an object moves, more kinetic energy it has Greater the mass, more kinetic energy it has KE – 1/2mv2 What has a greater affect of kinetic energy, mass or velocity? Why?

17 Potential Energy Potential energy – stored energy
Fuel, nucleus, food Stored because of the work done on it: Stretching a rubber band Winding a watch Pulling back on a bow’s arrow Lifting a brick high in the air Energy that is stored due to being stretched or compressed is elastic potential energy

18 Gravitational Potential Energy
Potential energy that is dependent on height Waterfall Suspension Bridge Falling snowflake GPE = weight x height Or GPE = mgh

19 Gravitational Potential Energy
If you stand on a 3 meter diving board, you have 3 times the GPE than you had on a 1 meter diving board

20 Kinetic - Potential Energy Conversions
Roller Coaster Mechanical energy brings them to the top This gives them great potential energy Conversion between potential to kinetic energy powers cars through the entire ride At the point of max PE, the car has minimum KE


22 Kinetic - Potential Energy Conversions
As a baseball player throws the ball into the air, various energy conversions take place

23 Law of Conservation of Energy
Energy cannot be created or destroyed It can only be converted from one form to another 1905, Albert Einstein said mass and energy can be converted into each other Matter is destroyed, energy is created and vice versa E = mc2

24 What does the law of conservation of energy state?
Agenda for Friday Nov 5th Quiz Finish Videos KE/GPE Problem set

25 Which has more gravitational potential energy: a ball on a 5 m cliff or a ball on a 10 m cliff?
Agenda for Monday Nov 8th Review GPE and KE Lab Problems on GE/KE

26 What is the equation for GE and KE?
Agenda Go over labs KE/GE problems

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