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Top Ranks’ Families in Russia and their ties with business Roman Shleynov «Novaya Gazeta», Moscow, RussiaLillehammer, Norway, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Top Ranks’ Families in Russia and their ties with business Roman Shleynov «Novaya Gazeta», Moscow, RussiaLillehammer, Norway, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Top Ranks’ Families in Russia and their ties with business Roman Shleynov «Novaya Gazeta», Moscow, RussiaLillehammer, Norway, 2008

2 Novaya Gazeta: Why we focused on that topic? Lack of public control over the officials in Russia Lack of public control over the officials in Russia Weak regulation and limits for the officials Weak regulation and limits for the officials Strong pressure of state bureaucracy on business Strong pressure of state bureaucracy on business Corruption as a state institution Corruption as a state institution Protectionism and conflict of interests eliminate free competition and stop economic development Protectionism and conflict of interests eliminate free competition and stop economic development

3 The top ranks we monitored: president president head of presidents administration and his assistants head of presidents administration and his assistants prime-minister and ministers prime-minister and ministers special service (FSB) director, head of security council special service (FSB) director, head of security council ------------------------------------------------------ Total: 9 top figures were monitored Mainly representatives of executive power

4 Example of top rank’s family business Restaurant inside Secret Service headquarter Malaya Lubyanka Str., 7 Moscow

5 Photos from restaurant website


7 Example of top rank’s family business Head of Security Council, former director of Federal Security Service (FSB) Nikolay Patrushev His nephew, Alexey Patrushev «Stroylesproduct» Company (St. Petersburg) «Kvorum-Invest» Company (Moscow) $ 5 million joint project: Trade center in St. Petersburg Bank and + Building company in Spain «Lubyansky» Restaurant, former KGB (FSB) canteen, inside Federal Security Service building in Moscow 100% Russian Volleyball Federation president director Deputy general director Alexander Gordienko «National Military Foundation» («National Charity Foundation»), initiated by Vladimir Putin


9 Example of parliamentary member’s family business Jewelry shop inside Russian Parliament



12 Example of parliamentary member’s family business Parliament member, Chairman of parliamentary committee for Energy, transportation and communications Member of «United Russia» pro president party Valeriy Yazev Head of «Russian Gas Society», Gazprom lobbyist His Daughter, Svetlana Yazeva «Yava Stroy» company «Youventa Stroy» company «Youveline», Jewelry shop in the hall Of Russian Parliament 3 million RUR 3 million RUR February 9, 2004 the biggest donation to Vladimir Putin elections campaign

13 General example of top rank’s family links with business Top ranking public official His wife Charity Foundation, non commercial Organization or project Head or co-founder Companies or businessmen linked with top ranking public official, or intending to demonstrate their loyalty Co-founders, Members or sponsors

14 Dmitry Medvedev, president Svetlana Medvedeva, his wife Church program on moral culture of young generation The only businessman in the board Valery Volodin, head and co owner of perfumery distributing Company «Edinaya Evropa» Vladislav Surkov, deputy head of president’s administration Julia Vishnevskaya, his wife Dolls Museum, non commercial organization Building, approx. $ 1 million «Ferro-Stroy» company founded by top manager and co-owner of Russian metallurgic holding «Evraz Group» Alexander Abramov Viktor Khristenko, minister of industry Tatiana Golikova, his wife, Minister of health care Foundation for monastery reconstruction The head of «Magma» Sergey Preobrazhensky, distributor for Magnitogorsk metallurgy plant Alexey Kudrin, minister of finance Irina Tyntiakova, his wife «Valentine Youdashkin Group» (elite dresses) The company of Alexander Karmanov, the supplier of pipes for Gazprom

15 Former head of the Section of confiscated property (Russian Federal Property Foundation) and his wife Started business in France and invested 600 000 Euros of unknown origin

16 Personal sources Personal sources Companies’ information and other databases Companies’ information and other databases Public internet resources: forums, classmates and students unions, resources like Facebook, headhunting resources Public internet resources: forums, classmates and students unions, resources like Facebook, headhunting resources Tracing links in Russia using legal opportunities Tracing links in Russia using legal opportunities

17 Problems The law about personal data is not perfect The law about personal data is not perfect Officials ignore journalists requests or try to give formal answers Officials ignore journalists requests or try to give formal answers Traditional non formal ties in Russian society Traditional non formal ties in Russian society Not independent courts, parliament and law enforcement Not independent courts, parliament and law enforcement


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